Chapter 27 - Worst Party Ever

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Back again.

Chances are I'm probably messing up when stuff happened, I think the meeting where they find shit on Jacques happens after Penny gets framed for RDM on a Gmod dark RP. If not scream at me.

Let's just start.

The gang were standing outside a rather large house. A very large house.

They were here for a party/mission. The mission was to find something incriminating on Weiss' father Jacques Schnee.
Penny is with them and she's nervous as all hell.
I would be too.

See, Gal and Marcus weren't the only ones with time off.
While they were off some stuff happened.

First was an election that Marcus cares little about. He only knows Robyn Hill was in it and she lost, weirdly so.

She then resorted to stealing supplies for the arena to fix that wall.
Yang and Blake confronted her and after some other stuff Marcus wasn't paying attention to, here they are going to a meeting where there's also a part going on for some reason.

During the election night, someone attacked while the lights were out injuring a lot of people and killing a few. Penny was framed and now they think she's a killing machine like the T-800.

Ironwood is here to hopefully clear things up and turn this worst case scenario into a not so bad one, but he has no idea how he can do that.

Anyway, Gal and Ruby were looking worriedly at Rosie, the adult one, who looks like she ran a triathlon three times one after another.

"Uh, Rosie? Are you alright?" Ruby asked her.

"Yeah... Fine... I just... Dad is... Really strong... We trained yesterday... Regret!" She said sounding exhausted and tired.

They both flinched.
Yeah, Marcus can be hell to train with when he doesn't hold back.

"Oh, yeah I feel your pain. I love training with him, but I usually need a day to recover from it." Gal told her, then smirked. "Though, I can't say being rough is entirely a bad thing."

Both Ruby and Rosie recoiled, both having sort of different reactions.

"Ew gross! That's my best friend you're talking about!" Ruby said in disgust.

"Eww! Mom! Not when I'm around!" Rosie said trying to get that image from her head.

Just then Marcus walked over with little Rosie.

"Sorry, just had to get Rosie, had no babysitter for her. Oh hey Rosie."

"Yeah that's just weird. I'm looking at Rosie who's still working on her words and Rosie who's a full grown adult." Diane said shaking her head.

"Actually... I uh... I still have problems with words sometimes... Some words I'm just not good at pronouncing. And I sometimes mess up sentences." Rosie corrected her, feeling bad about that issue she has.

"It's fine. Everyone struggles with something." Ricardo told her.

With that, they knock on the door and it opens to reveal a kid that looks like if Weiss was aged down and not a girl.

"That's one messed up mirror."

"Welcome to the Schnee household. Come in, we've barely started. Oh, and hello sisters."

He was looking to Weiss and Winter. The latter of which didn't care to acknowledge him trying to sound annoying.

Weiss just sighed.

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