Chapter 28 - Rosie Back To The Future

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I'm back once again. Doubt this will ever be read, it's too shit.

Anyway, I'm not gonna stop. Let's get started.


This week has been tough. All of our hero's have been searching every inch of Atlas for these guys that might be already in the city.

Currently, team RAGE are returning from a search to find The Boss. Diane is with them as well as Rosie, the older one.

To make things worse, Ironwood might be going insane. The stress over the whole year has been getting to him. Norris fears that something is going on with him and he hopes it isn't a bad thing.

Oh and that girl Harriet was with them too. Said they needed someone with more experience there. Funny since they have more experience with mutants than anyone in Atlas right now.

Anyway, right now they've just gotten off the airship and are walking towards the school turned military base. Rosie was trying her best to stay far from Harriet. It was very clear that she did not trust the future girl.
She made that very clear.

When they split around to look for any sign of The Boss, Rosie ended up with her.

-Smol Flashback-

"So I can't help but wonder why it's just the mutant leader you told us about. There's more than him here, yet you never told us about those guys. Why is that?" Harriet asked looking over to Rosie.

Rosie stayed focused, but answered anyway.

"I didn't know about the rest. I only knew that The Boss will be here. I don't even know when and where he'll show, just that if he doesn't die here, things will get worse." She answered simply.

"Hmm... I dunno. Sounds a little suspicious if you ask me. You know something about what's gonna happen soon, right? Why haven't you said anything about it?"

Rosie stopped.

"I don't. I'm not lying, The Boss is all I know about and that's not much. Look, I was... Uh, how old am I in this time?" Rosie asked.

"I think about 4. I remember that moron saying that." Harriet said uncaringly.

"Well, first, don't ever call my dad a moron again. Second, I was 4 at the time and mom never likes talking about the past much. I was just told about The Boss. Now let's just get going. I don't want my trip here being for nothing. I need to be back in my time by the end of the week."

Rosie continued on as Harriet shrugged and followed behind.

-Back to Now-

"Alright, let's go report that we found nothing and get back out there." Ricardo told them.

"You guys will be on your own this time. I got other work to be doing." Harriet told them and just went off.

"... Am I the only one who just thinks she's a bitch?" Rosie asked.

"No sweetheart, no you aren't." Marcus said in agreement.

"Forget her. Let's just move on, we need to find thus boss soon. And you need to get back to the future Rosie. You said you can only be here for a bit of this week right?" Gal asked her.

"Yeah. I might get going very soon, just in case something happens. Plus, I don't want to be away from my time for too long. I don't want mom to worry... You know, mom from my time." Rosie told them.

"Alright, let's get the group together to see you off then." Marcus said and ran off to gather the others.

Rosie just watched him run off, she smiled.

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