Chapter 23 - Immersion

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Hi, back again.

Won't waste time. Let's start.



Gal shouted as she deliver the last kick to the guards head knocking him into the wall putting him down.

The team groups up at the door. Gal looked to the guards.

"Hmph. That count as an "invitation?"

"I am loving the sass Gal."

"Thanks Marc."

"Flirt on your own time you two. We have a mission to do." Diane said as she followed the other two.

They saw two hallways at the end of the room. One straight ahead, the other to the left.

"I'll check the back, you four go through the side door." Diane said.

Ricardo nodded.

"Be careful Diane."

They went in further and the mutants inside noticed them.

"Oh hey we got new friends in. Take a..... Wait a second.... Don't I know you from somewhere?"

The cat mutant walked up to Diane.

"I'd remember meeting you, so no, you don't."

"No.... No hold on.... That's it! You're that traitor! We got- Ah!"

The mutant was silenced by Diane kicking him in the face.

"Guess it's fight'n time." Marcus said as he ran in. "Come in then!"

Ricardo charged in like a raging bull and slammed a wolf mutant into the ground. Gal hopped over him and did an ace kick down on a fat pig mutant.

Norris slid passed her knocking a monkey mutant off his feet and slamming his head into the ground.

"On your right Marcus!" Diane shouted shooting forward to kick a one of them in the face that was about to stab Marcus. He followed by grabbing Diane's arm, spinning and throwing her at the mutant, she immediately got on top of him with her legs around his neck and leaned back to throw him to a table.

Diane wasn't able to land in her feet and was about to get jumped by a rat with a knife, but Marcus picked it in the face and followed with a number of fast punches knocking it out. He was making good use of his knew style.

He turned to Diane and offered her a hand up.

"Guess not all cats land on their feet huh?"

She took his hand and laughed.

"Haha, I'm a fox you ass. How does Gal put up with you?" She asked.

"She manages. I think."

They both turn around continue the fight.

"Funny how a while ago you were trying to kill me. Now we fight beside eachother." He said with a smile.

"What can I say? You're softness rubbed of on me."

Over to Ricardo he just suplexed the last mutant in the room and they looked around when it seemed clear.

"We good to move on?" Gal asked.

"Think so. I don't see anything." Norris said looking around. "Be careful though."

They all walked on. They only got as far as this stage thing when the lights dimmed so it was nearly pitch black.

"Ah damnit! Gal you see anything?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah, I'm not seeing any mutants. Aside from Diane and Ricardo." She answered.

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