Chapter 7 - Jaune's Development

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Right we're back again. Probably no one actually reading this since not a massive amount of people know the game. Might make a part just talking about the game if anyone wants that.

Now, let's get started.


It's been another few weeks, three weeks to be accurate. Everyone is settled in and now it's just a matter of getting through these four years of training and learning and hopefully they can graduate.

Today we begin in the training room.

Marcus is training. Not in his own or with any of his teammates. No they're busy. He's with Jaune.

See last week Jaune asked him to help him get better. Marcus agreed gladly and has been teaching him hand-to-hand. To both of their surprise Jaune is a pretty fast learner with hand-to-hand. He had the basics down pretty fast and now he's onto the more advanced stuff.

As good fast a learner he is, Marcus still has a couple of years of training under his belt. Some with his Dad, some with Yang, some even with Yang's Dad Tai.

They were coming to thee d of this session when Jaune swung at Marcus who blocked it and swiftly retaliated with a punch to the gut and another to the face.

Jaune stumbled back and fell on his ass.

"Oh, man. You hit like a bus." Jaune said as he took a minute to breathe.

"You've got a strong punch on you too man. You need to work on a tighter guard, it's a little too loose. Other than that, good work." He told him. He offered a hand to pull him up.

"Thanks. I'm surprised you aren't training with Gal today." He said as he took it, Marcus pulled him up.

"Nah, she's with Pyrrha in Vale. Probably girl stuff, I don't plan to get involved." He told him.

"Oh right, forget Pyrrha was with her. Those two seem like good friends." He said as they both sat down.

"Yep. Heh, almost like sisters or something." Marcus said taking a drink of water.

They both talked about teammates, about training and just anything in general.

"You do anything about Cardin yet? I'd knock him out for you, but that won't change anything, not unless you stand up to him." Marcus told him.

Jaune slumped down in his seat. He let out a sigh.

"No..... He always gets his team to back him up. Even if I could fight him, they'll just gang up on me." He answered looking down.

Jaune wasn't hiding from it anymore. Cardin was a bully that was giving Jaune hardship day in and day out. It infuriated his team, Pyrrha more so, but if they do something it won't change anything.

Marcus knows exactly what Cardin is. A coward. A coward too afraid of the people above him so he makes himself feel better by tormenting the people below him until they find a way over him.

Until Jaune finds a way over Cardin, he'll keep making his life hell.

"Shit. If we stop his boys he'll just wait for a time when you're alone and we can't be there to help."

"Exactly, so I'll just have to bear through it until I can deal with it myself. Hopefully my lack of experience doesn't make that harder." He said looking at the floor.

That was another thing. Jaune and Marcus got along well, so Jaune trusted Marcus enough to share his secret. His secret that he cheated his way to Beacon. Got fake transcripts to hopefully be a hero like his ancestors.

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