Chapter 18 - To Argus We Go

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Back immediately. Can't get rid of me can you.

Right so just to let you know if I haven't mentioned it before. I have plans for Norris. He hasn't been forgotten. Don't worry. You'll see him either this chapter or the next. Probably the next.

Anyway, let's start this bish.


Oscar was sitting with the rest of the gang. He wasn't getting involved for two reasons. He was currently in his own thoughts and his thoughts were about him fitting in with this group.

He felt like he didn't actually fit in here. Like he didn't belong with them.

'It should be you with them here Ozpin. Not me. I haven't earned the right to be here.' He thought.

'Everyone starts somewhere Oscar. You belong here just as they do. You just haven't realised that yet.' Ozpin told him.

It was weird for him to actually be talking to a voice in his head, but he's already gotten use to it. Just then, Marcus sat down next to him and handed him a drink.

"Here. Help take your mind off of things for a minute." He offered.

"Oh, uh. Thank you."

"So.... What's on your mind? You don't seem to glad that we have a relic. Granted it's only one, but it's one that Salem doesn't have."

Oh yeah, Ozcar told them about Salem. A woman who controls the Grimm. Probably the most powerful woman in the world. And if she gets the relics they're basically fucked.

"We can kick her ass no problem, but first.... Me, Gal, Ricardo and hopefully Norris if we find him, will have to deal with the mutants first. Need to get stronger thought." He looks back to Oscar. "So, what's got you down?"

Oscar looked up to him and then looked away.

"I don't think I belong here. With any of you. You're all string in your own ways, but I'm not anywhere near you guys."

Marcus sat back and looked up to the ceiling. Thinking about something.

"Hmm. You know Jaune faked his way to Beacon right?" He asked unsure if Oscar knew that.

".... What?"

Now Oscar was confused.

'Ah yes, the fake transcripts.' Ozpin said remembering that. 'Probably the best decision I made to accept a fake student.'

'You knew?!'

'Of course I did. You think a man of my age couldn't tell what a fake transcript looks like? I simply saw potential in him and I have not been proven wrong yet.'

"Look, point is. Everyone starts somewhere. Jaune started at Beacon and I love the guy, but he was ass at fighting. Just complete ass at it. Now? Did you see him? He went against that bitch Cinder and actually gave her a hard time." He stands up. "Feels like I've said this a million times already, but at some point in your life, you have to make a choice. Either let life have it's way with you, or fight and create your own fate. You make your own destiny or life will forge it for you. With you, it's skull. With life, it's luck. You can't rely on luck, so tell destiny to go fuck itself and make your own."

Oscar actually felt a bit better. Maybe he does belong here, but has no idea. He just needs to find why he belongs here with them.

"You're gonna be strong Oscar. I know you can. That's why we're all strong even if we're weak. We have the ability change that. Go easy on yourself." With that he went over to talk with his leader that he hasn't spoken to in a while.

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