Chapter 13 - New Journey Begins

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Guess who is back. Not me.......... Where am I?

Let's just start.


It's been a whole month now since the fall of Beacon as everyone calls it. A lot of shit has happened in just a month.

Before we get into that, let's see how our guys are doing.

Ruby hasn't woken up yet. Neither has Gal. Yang is up, but she isn't the same.

Jaune is coping and so is his team. They lost the P in JNPR.

Marcus is at his home with his Dad and new mother. Gal sits resting in his bed and he refuses to leave her side unless absolutely necessary.

He has gone to visit Ruby and Yang. He's the only reason Yang isn't punching something out of frustration.

Ricardo hasn't been the best. He's ok, but he could be better. He isn't here right now, he's gone off after Blake with Sun.

Blake suddenly ran off to Menagerie. No one knows that though as she just left without a word.

Norris hasn't been seen in three weeks.

Diane has been having a hard time without Minotauro, he was her only friend. Thankfully Marcus' Dad has no issue letting her stay. Even if she did try to kill him a few times.

Oh and Weiss was taken back to Atlas. Her father showed up and took her back.

That's everyone.

Right now Marcus was asleep in a chair next to his bed. He was visiting Yang and a now awake Ruby a few hours ago. He was relieved to see she was ok.... Or, well. As ok as she could be.

Gal suddenly began to stir. One of her ears twitched and her tail moved about a bit. After a few minutes she opened her eyes slowly. She had no idea where she was.

She slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position and looked around. Yeah, this place wasn't familiar at all. At least Marcus is here to-

'Wait, Marcus?'

She turned to see that Marcus was indeed with her.

He was still asleep.

She sat back. Trying to piece everything in her mind together. After a minute she heard movement and looked to her boyfriend.

He stretched and leaned forward in his chair. He looked up at her.

"Hey Gal." He rubbed his face. Trying to get rid of the tiredness.
"Wait, Gal?! Oh fuck, you're awake! Is everything alright? You need anything?" He asked her going into a panic.

She tried to say something, but her throat hurt as it was dry as a desert. He handed her a bottle of water and she nearly downed the whole thing.

She pulled it away from her and took a minute to breathe and clear her throat. That was much better.

"Are you alright Gal? Can I get you anything else?" He asked.

"Uh, an explanation would be nice. Where are we? What happened?" She asked.

Marcus leaned back.

"Well.... A lot happened. Beacon is gone, Vale went with it. Since no one has any idea who was really behind the fall, travel to other Kingdoms through airships aren't permitted unless you're given full permission to..... And the biggest shock....... Ozpin is dead. Gone. Just like that. Qrow went to find him and only found his cane thing." Marcus told her. Then got up and sat next to her on the bed. "You're in our house right now. This is my room. You've been out for a month. Ruby just barely woke up."

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