Chapter 14 - The Timeskip

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Ok I'm back. This is probably my most fun story honestly. Regardless if anyone is reading or not, I'll keep writing.

Right let's start.


7 months.

It's been 7 months since Beacon fell. The team have made some good progress towards Haven.

Right now Ren, Nora, Jaune and Diane were walking. Jaune didn't have a weapon on him.

Ruby was off trying to find and lure out the Grimm that possesses things.

Ren and Nora were arguing over which sounded better and made more sense. The sides were either team RNJR or team JNRR.

They stopped to wait.

"Guys can we just focus. Also Ren, Nora's idea does sound better." Jaune said. "I don't think I want to be here without a weapon."

"Welcome to my world Jaune." Diane said. "You get use to it. At least Marcus taught you a lot of hand-to-hand. If we run into trouble, that isn't a monster made of trees and rocks, I think I can rely on you."

Jaune felt a little better.

"Thanks Diane. Hey, why aren't Marcus and Gal here?" He asked.

"Oh right I never told you guys did I. Marcus is in a fight. Like one of those "the rule is there aren't any rules" type of fights." She explained.
"When?!" He asked, surprised.

"Yesterday. He signed up because he saw a name that looked familiar. Attary. He's a Jaguar, but Marcus keeps calling him a tiger." Diane told them.

"Isn't he an unbeatable champion?!" Jaune said, still shocked.

"Yeah, and he's gonna take the title from him. It's an official fight Jaune. Crowd and all. It's even being broadcasted worldwide." She said.

"Oh, I see. Well, good luck to him." Jaune said turning to watch for the Grimm.

"So where's Gal then?" Ren asked.

"She's cheering him on."
We cut to the fight Marcus is fighting in.

"Break his neck Marc!" Gal yelled.

"Fuck him up Attary!" A girl beside her shouted.

Gal glared at her and the girl returned the favour. Gal then turned to Marcus. He was just slammed into the ground and struggled to get up.

"Marcus! If you win I'll sit on your face!" Gal yelled with a bit of a blush.

Marcus heard that and was up in a second. He turned to her.

"And the thighs?"

"As long as you win anything you want babe!" She shouted. "God he's so cultured."

Just as Attary was about to grab him, he punched him in the mouth making him get sent to the cage wall.

"For the thighs!" He roared as he ran at Attary and began beating him.

The fight kept going for another hour and Marcus wasn't letting up. He was taking this guy's title from him today.

His dad was watching this at home with Nico who was cheering her son on as she held a little girl in her arms.

"See that Eve? That's your big brother." She said looking down to the very newly born child.

Back to the fight Marcus had knocked Attary down and was beating him until he was unconscious.

"You're that assholes kid! How the hell are you winning?" Attary asked when he finally recognised him.

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