Chapter 9 - Dance Fighting

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Aw shit, here we go again. A RWBY story. Fuckers thinkin Tai is a bad Dad. He's father of the year put some respect on his name!

Anyway let's get into it.


It has been two weeks now since the thing at the docks happened. Students were now preparing for both the Vytle festival and the dance. Team RWBY, team JNPR and team RAGE were mostly focused on the tournament.

The teams were now in the canteen. Ruby absolutely did not steal Weiss' binder and was going over things to do for the break they have.

"Is this like a normal thing that happens or is this a code red?" Gal asked looking to Marcus.

"I don't know and that terrifies me." He answered.

"Well, I know I always break off my semesters with a Ya-"

"Yang, if you finish that sentence I will jump out the window of Ozpin's office." Marcus threatened.

".... With a Yang!" She finished it anyway. Suddenly an apple hit her head.

Yang looked to see Nora as the suspect. She glared.

Weiss then stood up.

"Regardless of what we do we should spend our time together as a team. I for one thi-"

Weiss was cut off when a pie hit her face.

A minute later and the canteen is absolute hell as a food fight broke out.

"What the hell is happening?!" Marcus shouted looking at Gal.

"I don't know!"

Norris lay on the ground as he was caught in the crossfire.

"We're a man down over here!" She shouted.

Suddenly Ricardo picked them both up.

"Oh hey buddy. Mind helping us out of here?" Marcus asked.

Ricardo grinned.

"This is a free-for-all."

Marcus and Gal looked to eachother.

"Oh shit." They both said in unison and were both immediately thrown across the room.

Now both of them faced their leader.

"I found ammunition!" Gal shouted.

Marcus stepped closer and his heart sank.

"Gal I can't do this, it's a betrayal to my very being!"

"It's either that or he gets even closer!" Gal shouted as she held the collar of his shirt and pointed to the threat.

Ricardo was slowly, but surely, approaching.

He gave in and picked one up. It was his favourite thing in the multiverse. A donut.

"I am so incredibly sorry my precious, please lord forgive me for I have sinned."

While that happened.

Sun was outside walking towards the canteen with his friend. A guy with blue hair and a red jacket.

(I just had the realisation he looks like Ninja.)

He was part of Sun's team and was very cool. I think I might be missing one last detail, but I can't think of it..... Probably nothing.

"They're all pretty neat people. And she is awesome. Like super talented. She's like some ninja or something." Sun went on.

"Right." His friend nodded in understanding.

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