Chapter 12 - Nightmare

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I lied about going to bed. Who sleeps?

Right let's get into it.


Pyrrha was still in shock. Despite all the panic and chaos with the Grimm coming in. She can't stop focusing on what she did.

Penny was a fun innocent person. Pyrrha just tore her apart. Why were there so many blades all of a sudden? Was she going insane?

Suddenly her close friends Ruby and Gal were in her vision.

"Pyrrha! Come on we have to go!" Ruby shouted.

"Hey, hey. Pyrrha. Look at me." Gal told her.

She looked to Gal and felt like crying.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't- I wasn't- I didn't mean- I'm sorry!"

"Hey it's ok. It's not your fault Pyrrha. It's not your fault. We need to go now. Let's get out of here. Don't let one persons death make you give up the fight." Gal told her.

The two of them were about to get her away from the scene.

They got to the rest of the group and Jaune had her weapons.

"Think you'll need these." He said handing them to her.

"Uh..... Thank you Jaune." She said, still in shock from what happened.

A lot of people were being put on airships to get them to safety. The students and very few Huntsman that were up there were fighting already. General Ironwood was organising the civilians escape.

"What the hell is happening?" Gal asked.

"Everything is in chaos. Grimm, Mutants and that damn Order are everywhere. To make things worse my own damn machines are attacking people." He told them sounding pissed.

"What can we do to help?" Ruby asked.

He looked at them all. Students that all participated in the tournament. They were all training for this. Maybe they don't have the experience, but they're all they have right now.

"Are you all sure you're prepared for this?" He asked them.

"We either fight or let the world decide for us and I know damn well I'm not letting the world decide here!" Yang said with a determined look.

He nodded.

"Alright, get down there and help with whatever you can. Kill anything that's a threat and prioritise the people's safety. Go, get an airship down there now." He ordered.

They all ran for an airship, but before they could a familiar minotaur burst out of the wall suddenly.

"Ricardo! Face me right now!" He shouted.

"Minotauro... All of you go now! It's me he's after." Ricardo told them.

"But....... Fine, but I swear to God if you don't come back alive I'll bring you back to life and kill you again!" Marcus shouted and ran to the airship. "Thank fuck my Dad left for home earlier."

Gal put a hand on his.

"It's ok Marc. We'll get through this." She said reassuringly.

With Ricardo he stared down his old friend.

"General. I must ask you not to intervene in this fight. Minotauro is my opponent and no one else's." He said.

"Fine. But if you die it's not my fault." Ironwood said as he pulled out his gun to fight off the Grimm.

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