Chapter 6 - Problems

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Alright I am back with more of this. Can someone tell me if this is actually at least readable without wanting to commit a felony?

I'll just get started.


It's been about four weeks since team RAGE returned from their mission. They haven't really been the same, not completely anyway.

They're doing their best to move on, but it's not easy and sometimes they just can't focus on studying or training. They all recovered from their injuries and were all back in perfect fighting order.

Ricardo is more open about it. Ruby always asks him if he's ok and when he isn't she gets him to open up.

Norris wasn't as bothered. He has seen this kind of thing multiple times. It doesn't make it easier though.

Gal has been taking it a lot better than she was for the first week. Before she was covering it up with jokes. Now she's come to accept that it happened and the best they can do is move on and do what they can to prevent something like that ever happening again.

Marcus on the other hand hasn't said a word or shed a tear about it since. He doesn't show it, but Gal knows he's hurting from it. That sickens her more than anything, he isn't honest with how he feels. She wants to help him, but she doesn't know how.

She hasn't spent time with him for a while now. Whenever he has free time he just goes to train by himself. Says he'll be back later and when he does he comes back to the dorm room three hours later with bruised knuckles. She always helps him with that, so he can go back at it when he needs to.

Right now Gal was in the canteen with her teammates and friends minus Marcus.

"I don't see any sign of him." Pyrrha said looking down and then back to Gal.

She had her head down as she looked more worried than even Ruby.

"Guess he's training.... again."

Yang was sitting next to her and put a hand on her back.

"Sorry I can't be much help. I've never seen him like this in my life." She said.

"I just wish he'd open up to me. I know I haven't really made it clear he can do that, but I'm his friend! He can trust me!.... Aren't we partners?" She asked in a quiet voice.

It was currently middle of the week so he had less time to go at it. It makes her worried, how he does more during the weekend. What if he ends up punching so hard he breaks his fists beyond repair?

Her ears were turned down. She still had them out, she was surprised with how accepting they all were. Weiss had suspicions with her hiding it at first, something about the Fang, but she was accepted and she felt at ease to let them out. They rarely perk up now since she's constantly worried about Marcus.

"I believe he what he needs is someone to tell him and show him that he can share his problems. Unfortunately when it comes to men and their mental health, it is often ignored." Norris said looking down at the table. "For years we are told that we need to keep it to ourselves, ignore it. Told to "man up" and just deal with it. Suddenly we're told we can let our problems out, can't blame us for hesitating. Perhaps Marcus is someone that was often told that, to "man up" and deal with his own issue. Training is just something to distract himself and when he can't forget about the problem, he goes back for more."

They listened to Norris and were all in agreement with what he said.

Gal looked at him and then to the door of the canteen. She turns to Yang.

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