Chapter 24 - Fatigue

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Here we are again.

So this may have a lot less fighting. Not sure, we'll see.

I'll just get started.


Gal, Marcus, Ruby and Yang were sitting in a break room. The rest of the group were doing missions or something. These four just returned from one.

"I feel dead." Ruby said lying her head down.

"Same." Gal was in agreement with that.

It's been a few weeks now since they got their official Huntsman and Huntress licence. It was a nice achievement, but it was not only tiring, but Marcus wasn't so sure about it.


Speaking of Marcus, he's been mostly silent for the last few days. He does talk obviously, how else does he talk to Rosie? Just mostly stays quiet. Yang was noticing this.

"You alright Marc?" She asked.

"Hmm? Yeah, fine. Sorry just... In a world of my own there for a second." He said brushing it off.

"You sure Marcus? You know you can talk to us, right?" Gal had her hand on his.

"I know..... Just.... You think this was too fast?" He asked looking to his scroll pulling up the licence. "I mean, about a year ago we were first year students. Now we're given a licence after a month of training? I get Ironwood is running low on people, but are we ready for this? I don't feel like I am."

He looked away, unsure what to think anymore.

Gal hugged him and he looked down to her.

"Marcus. Maybe we aren't ready, but does that mean you'll quit?" She asked him with a smile that said "this question has an obvious answer."

"Hell no! I still have a mutant boss to beat the shit out of! Are you crazy? Quit now when we could probably beat that asshole? In his dreams!"

Gal had to laugh at his confidence in being able to stop that mutant boss.

"Exactly. Let's just give it everything we've got, like always."
We jump to the next day when team RAGE and team RWBY are in a transport vehicle with Penny who is sitting with Ricardo talking about some. They're making sure materials for the floating arena thing are delivered safely. Ironwood has some sort of plan with it, but Marcus and Gal aren't sure what as they had to look after Rosie rather than listen to the plan.

Speaking of Rosie, she's with them now there wasn't a babysitter available. So it's bring your daughter to work day. They protected her before so they can do it again easily.

She certainly isn't complaining.

"Papa, where us going?" She asked looking up at Marcus.

"We're going to just deliver supplies somewhere and then we'll be on our way home. Alright? Also it's "where are we going?" You were close." He answered while correcting her mistake.

"Oh. Where.... Where we... Where are we... going?" She tried unsure if she got it.

"There you go, you got it. Good girl Rosie." He rubbed her head as she smiled happily.

Gal was up front with Ricardo and Penny. She swapped with Ruby since she looked tired and needed a rest.

Ruby was dozing off and Rosie went to cuddle with her.

"Aw that's just precious." Weiss said from next to him.

"I know right. To cinnamon rolls together." Marcus agreed with her. "Hey, Gal."

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