Chapter 3 - Classes and Training

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Back again, with this.... Whatever it is.

I'm not going to waste time to let's get it.


It has been about two weeks now since the new students finished initiation and they have been getting on well.

Let's check on team RWBY.

Weiss was currently talking to Marcus, Ruby's apparent childhood best friend, about something important.

"I just want to know. How the hell do you deal with her?" She asked looking up at him.

"Well, from my personal experience...... You have to sort of understand why she's so hyperactive, random, constantly making jokes and just trying being a fun person all the time. The story behind that is something I'm not sure I should share." He said looking away, not sure if he should tell Weiss something so private.

"I'm not asking for personal stuff, I'm not looking to pry into every detail of her life." Weiss clarified for him.

Marcus thought about it and then decided to compromise.

"Ok. I won't tell you the actual story, just a basic run down of it and I will be deliberately leaving out important details." He said finally relenting. "You listening? Cause I'm not repeating this ever again for you. And if Yang asks, you heard from me. If Ruby asks, you've never heard this story before. Understood?"

Weiss nodded.

"Good. Now. A long time ago, before even Combat School, Ruby and her family was given some really bad news. The "someone you love is never coming back" kind. Ever since then she's been coping by being incredibly friendly and being the way she is now, exactly like that person in her life was like."

Weiss was surprised and also sad to hear that. She may not be hugely fond of the girl, but she never wishes anything like that on someone.

"Oh, I see. So...... The way she acts is sort of a coping mechanism." She asked.

"Sort of. She was like that before, but after it happened, she got more...... intense. She does know to take it easy at times and she does have her..... Bad days, bad moments and all that. She considers you friend, so she may come to you if not me or Yang when she's upset. Doesn't mean treat her like a delicate flower. Her second name is Rose for a reason. You've seen what she can do." Marcus told her.

Weiss took a minute to think about this. Maybe..... Maybe she shouldn't give her such a hard time.

"You are actually a good friend to her. You find her annoying sure, but you tolerate her and you've accepted her as a leader. That's all she really wants."

"Thank you Marcus. Maybe now I can tolerate her for a minute longer." She joked.

"No problem Weiss. Better get going, our team needs to talk about training tomorrow." Marcus said standing up.

"But, tomorrow is Saturday." Weiss pointed out, confused why they would train on a weekend.

"I'm well aware what day it is tomorrow. Cya later."

And with that he left the room.

Weiss was left to just think.

"He..... is possibly weirder than Ruby. That's a terrifying thought."

Back in the dorm room of team RAGE, Gal was lying on her bed. She was bored now. Her Beacon uniform was tossed aside and she was now in her usual outfit.

Just then Ricardo, somehow, fitted through the door and stepped in.

Gal sat up.

"Hey big guy. You good?" She asked.

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