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Hazel's Pov
I woke up with a headache. There was Tylenol in the cabinet of the kitchen. I opened the door with my pj pants and sports bra.

When I walked to the kitchen I could feel someone's presence.

I looked over and saw Haley watching me. I rolled my eyes and went towards the cabinet and grabbing me a caprisun on the way.

"Where's Anna." I said breaking the silence.

"She had to go get something from the store." She said getting up.

"Stay away." I mumbled as she stopped in her tracks.

"Hazel..." she mumbled as I looked at her.

She look at my stomach where there was a bunch of scars and as well as my back and arms.

"Yeah well don't feel sorry now." I mumbled grabbing some eggs.

I shaved some potatoes and some got some bacon from the freezer laying them out on a pan.

"How can I make you forgive me." She said popping up next to me.

"Leave and don't ever come back." I said not making eye contact with her.

"Do you... care that I'm alive." She said making me pause.

"I'm glad your alive." I said looking at her.

"But I hate you." I said grabbing some milk.

I beat the eggs and scrambled them while making the hash browns as I made into cups.

"I'm sorry Hazel. I wish I had come sooner." She said keeping distance with me.

I looked down at the hashbrown starting to cook. Her voice was similar to mine. She had green eyes and brown hair.

Just like that girl in the car crash.

"In Uh... I have a scar from the crash." She said lifting her shit to see a wide scar on her stomach.

The exact place in the dream...

"I didn't want this to happen I swear. I haven't stopped looking for you." She said and my eyes just filled with tears.

"I thought you were in Utah and it turns out you were here... in a... luxury home..." she whispered.

"I wished I wasn't but this is how I ended it up. I didn't deserve any of this anyway." I said putting everything combined.

I started to sprinkle cheese on top mixed with bacon and eggs. I put it in the oven just enough for the cheese to melt.

"You did deserve this. I know I didn't go through what you did but you definitely deserved this." She said.

She was only a inch taller than me has I got the pan out. I put the pan on top of the stove and got down some plates.

I got three instead of two and put a couple for Haley. I set it beside her as she looked at me.

"Well. Don't dumbfound me now." I said as she picked the fork up and cut right in the middle of it taking a piece and putting in her mouth.

"This is amazing." She said continuing to eat it.

"I'm sorry for saying things to you that you may not deserve." I said as she looked at me.

"I was angry. But you can't show up at the door I live in and say that your alive and expect me to jump into your arms." I said.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"STOP SAYING YOUR FUCKING SORRY!" I yelled slamming my hands down.

"You didn't know what happened! Your alive. I'm alive." I said and she was taken back.

"Hazel stop.." she mumbled.

I wasn't able to breathe. I tried to find things to keep me steady but finding myself placing my hand on the burning pan.

"Hazel!" I heard as the palm of my hand was a full red burning hand.

Haley raced to the fridge getting a cold aloe Vera and getting paper towels.

I was panicking when I felt Haley behind me.

"It's okay..." she whispered placing it on my hand as it felt relieved on my hand.

She hugged me from behind keeping the cloth on my hand.

"It's gonna be okay." She whispered.

Her presence was... comfortable.

"Hey Woah what the fuck happened." We saw Anna there at the door.

She rushed over as I laid my head on Anna's shoulder.

"Oh my god..." she whispered when she pulled the cloth.

"Uhm... ill go get an aid kit..." Anna said getting up.

"Just keep it like that. Don't put the cloth back on or it can stick to it and make it painful." She said running out.

"I'm sorry." I looked at Haley.

"You say sorry too much." I said and she smiled nervously.

"I'm sorry" she said again.

It was silent before the both of us bursted out laughing.

"I use to say sorry all the time." I said leaning against the cabinets.

"But I guess hanging out with you isn't so bad..." I mumbled.

"So I apologize for being so mean to you." I said and she smiled.

"We should catch up... we sure have a lot." She said.

"Unfortunately I don't but I don't mind." I said and she frowned.

When Anna came back she wrapped my hand with a layer of cotton wrap underneath it.

Me and Haley went out for coffee and decided to go for a sisters date for the day.


For the record the part 2 books won't be happening till like the end of may but y'all gotta remind me bc I have a brain and memory of a fish 🐠

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