The French-Spanish Algiers division

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French Empire pov

I wanted to take Algiers but to prevent any unwanted hatred with the Spanish Empire I decided to have them divide it with me. After some talks we had signed an agreement with them with us both killing Algiers then dividing it according to the treaty. 

Treaty of Algiers division

- French Empire annexes the entire East of Algiers

- Spanish Empire annexes the rest

Signed by the Spanish Empire and the French Empire

Spanish Empire pov

I focused on boosting my economy with the new colonial gain of Algiers which showed the world that French-Spanish friendship is growing with us both agreeing to an NAP between our nations. I smiled as my economy is booming thanks to the French-Spanish trade deal and the annexation of the entire West of Algiers which has opened up a huge amount of space for industrial sectors alongside more manpower for my already big army.

British Empire pov

This is not good at all! The French-Spanish relations are growing especially since the Algiers division which has made them closer than ever. I need to try and find an ally.... So I decided to approach the Ottomans with them allying us in secret in exchange for a defensive pact between us both. Juan is truly changing the Spanish empire very much making them a very powerful person especially with his empire growing in economy and military.

United Provinces of the Netherlands pov

The Spanish are quickly growing in power meaning she might try and re annex my nation! So I quickly began to get my nation to focus on preparing for the probably coming Spanish invasion... I then got an invitation to a secret alliance with the British and the Ottoman Empire?! I smirked as I told them I accepted it while I began to prepare for when the Spanish Empire tries to reclaim my nation to help them secure the Spanish imperial engine.

French Empire pov

I smiled as my colonial empire had grown more than I lost to the British. So I focused on boosting my economy and military with their resources alongside manpower which will be crucial to fighting the British in any wars. I also focused on making sure my colonial empire is stable to prevent a collapse or revolt the the British take advantage of as even with the Spanish Empire the British Empire is a strong empire meaning even with my ally it would be a very bloody fight.

Tsardom of Russia pov

With the rising tensions in the west I decided to ally myself with the Polish as the Swedish king died meaning his successor will make it easy for us to partition their nation. I smiled as me and the Polish-Lithanian common wealth declared war on the Swedish Empire which will be an easy war for us as I smiled with my armies pushing the Swedish back. 

Swedish Empire pov

This shocked me slightly so I had my armies hold them off while my king and his generals planned a way to fight the enemy back or else we will be nothing but another partitioned nation of the many nations that have already been partitioned.

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