The start of the 2 alliances of this world

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British Empire pov

After some talks with my allies we decided to form the Imperial Accords (I don't own this name) which we used to prepare for the coming war with the French and Spanish whilst helping the Ottomans and Russians modernize their economy to help even the odds against those 2 colonial enemies. 

Spanish Empire pov

With this faction that is clearly formed against us I talked with the French and Swedish who we all agreed to from the Colonial pact after I gifted Sweden some land in America. (all of Florida) I smiled as I began to focus on preparations for the coming war with huge economic boosts by my economy and military to prepare for the coming war. I also began to focus on expanding my colonial presence via a good chunk of expansion in Africa. (Gabon was colonized, and so was Dakhlet Nouadhibou) I then stabilized those lands while boosting the economic and military power I gained from those lands without using slaves so prevent losing stability to being called a hypocrite by my people.

Swedish Empire pov

Thanks to my new colony I focused on boosting the economy of it alongside his military so he can help me when the coming war happens much easier and more plentiful. I also smiled as my economy grew with the creation of Swedish Florida while my military grew significantly but I knew I had to make my race a majority as my race is just barely a majority in their own nation. So I focused on making sure I stand economically and militarily so no one will attack me so I can fix my racial problem I am facing in my own nation.

British Empire pov

With my economic situation slowly turning better I focused on sending more aid to the Russians and Ottomans while focusing on boosting my own military and economy for if no I meant when the war between my faction alongside the Spanish faction to occur.

French Empire pov

With my economy recovering with my military on the way to growing back to its prewar strength. With my allies we began to focus on preparations for the coming war because I know that my colonial assets are very unprepared from this war and I can't have that occuring even if the Spanish can back them up.

Viceroyalty of Asia pov

I smiled as my stability is amazing since slavery was abolished with my military and economy rather strong which I used to colonize the remains of Taiwan. (I don't know who owns it so ima assume it is unclaimed land ok?) The economic position of my nation was growing thanks to this with my manpower growing even more with it thanks to this my army is one of the biggest in the Spanish colonial Empire at the current time.

Russian Empire pov

With my growing economic and military might on the rise I focused on keeping them strong so I can get back the lands I lost to the Swedish Empire alongside that amazing land of Finland. So thanks to British and Ottoman aid my economy is the biggest in Europe thanks to the help. So I began to reinvest into the Ottomans who really need it.

UPN pov

With my economy strong alongside my military I began to help the Ottomans modernize their economy with the spice trade really helping my economy grow strong. Thanks to the economy from my colony I am an economic power especially with the land I gained after annexing the Spanish Netherlands. I also prepared my navy because without the money from my colony in Asia my economy will basically explode and my collapse would be inevitable when it happens which I know would be a bad thing for my alliance. 

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