WW2 part 9

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UPD pov

With my colonial holdings under constant attack and being pushed as well I then got reports of my navy fighting a losing battle with the Spanish Armada which worried me so I began to prepare coastal defenses. I then got reports of thousands landing all over my coast so I quickly mobilized and sent forces to beat them while I had reinforcements come from my allies to help me out. 

Spanish Empire pov

I smirked as I landed then began to have them quickly push to take down the UPD before their allies arrived to save them from me. I also focused on having my children push into Qing alongside Japan with some progress but not much due to the immense amount of manpower the Qing has. I also had the navy I had in Spanish Madagascar to help fight in the Asian front so that the domiance we have in the ocean in Asia is secured while the navy I had in the Americas moved to aid the European naval front. I smiled as the American navy was clashing with the British navy with the Swedish fighting the Western Russian navy with Swedish-Russian naval battle has the Swedish currently curb stomping them, and the Spanish-British naval battle is currently on a more even fighting stance due to how strong both navies are. 

Imperial Japan pov

The Qing armies are wearing down but with the practical stalemate of this side of the war the Qing asked for a peace treaty that benefitted both of us so I agreed with it.

Treaty of Tokyo

- Manchuria annexes occupied lands

- Qing annexes occupied lands

- Japanese China annexes occupied lands

- Imperial Japan annexes occupied lands

- All nations pay war reps to both sides

- The new Manchurian-Qing border is demilitirized for 9 years

- Vice Royalty of Indochina annexes the border strip with the Qing

- Vice Royalty of Sesia annexes border strip with the Qing

Signed by Imperial Japan. Japanese China, Manchuria, Vice Royalty of Indochina, Vice Royalty of Sesia, and the Qing Dynasty

Russian Empire pov

With the Siberians pushing me farther from our original border but I managed to force them into a stalemate which has resulted in no advance attempts from either side despite attempts from my side to push them. I need to push especially with the Swedish very close to taking St.Petersburg but narrowly being pushed back. So in response I began preparations to move my capital to Moscow to prevent my capital from falling to the Swedish who are approaching the capital 100km from St.Petersburg.

British Empire pov

With my navy fighting the Spanish American navy to a stand still I began to worry of a possible naval landing onto my lands so I prepared my coast for possible naval landings. Meanwhile the British Raj had faced some losses of land to Indochina but not too much with them inflicting numerous losses to Indochina with the same happening to them.... So I focused on trying to boost my economy on economic recovery with British Africa who did take severe economic damage.

French Empire pov

My economic recovery while paying war reps has been long and hard but I focused on making sure I don't have to take loans to prevent a possible economic collapse. I also focused on economically recovering my children so they don't collapse either like the Spanish had a reaction to the fall of Spanish Gabon which was more of a child to her than a direct colony. (Another possible side chapter if you ask for it)

New Spain pov

The stability of my nation is just as good as the aftermath of our loss in WW2 which was strong as the people blamed the British for this but with the amount of people promoting something called fascism worries me. From what I am told Fascism is where we regain lands lost in war and remove any who were involved in it... I told my mother who had in response sent 3 armies to help quell them as I worry it could cause problems with the BNA and my nation is not yet recovered from the economic plus military hits we took.

BNA pov

I smiled as reports of more of the Spanish menace have been removed from the protests by using what my leader known as Huey Long called worker camps. The camps were explained to have been work camps where terroists or enemies of the British Empire are sent. (Yep in this world the USA is where the gulag is at) I focused on stabilizing the region I stole from New Spain with a smirk about how easy it was. I laughed in glee especially when I got another report that the infamous Earl Bower had been sent to one that made me smile... He was an annoyance to me especially when he tried this communist buisness which is nothing but annoying to me...

Alternative Spanish EmpireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora