Polish-German war part 2

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Polish-Lithuiania pov

With support of the Russians and UK through lend lease and supplies my offensive into the Austrians has been working with huge success but then the Spanish alongside the French interevened in the war but the UK quickly forced the Spanish down threatening their own intervention on my side. I quickly put my offensive into a defensive to prevent the French from pushing us back to where we started which was attempted to little to none success which made my sigh as my quick end of the offensive saved the war effort while I planned on sending more reinforcements alongside supply to the front to secure the front's defensive as long as I can keep it up. But the Austrians have been pushing me back which worries me so I focused on sending backup to the Southern front more than the Western one because the Western front is a stalemate while the Southern front is currently in Austrian favor. 

Austrian Empire pov

I smiled as with French support we pushed them back from Vienna with numerous miltias being made by the citizens which have greatly allowed us to slowly push them back. But then the Ottomans demanded me to cede back Hungary or there would be war which scared me but luckily for me the Spanish theatened to intervene on my side should this occur forcing them to stand down saving my vunrable southern front from attack. 

Ottoman Empire pov

I knew the Spanish were an annoyance so with the power of being a stable nation I began to prepare for a war with the Spanish annoyance. I also annexed Mysore and turned them into Ottoman Raj which I quickly expanded by annexing Hyderabad which I then stabilized my new colony to help grow stronger alongside have a stronger military to combat the Spanish Empire for our planned war.

Spanish Empire pov

I smiled as my forces entered to help the Austrians and Germans as they are a 'volunteer core' which is 5 battalions of the most elite Spanish troops. I smiled as they reported to push the Polish in the Eastern front slightly which broke the entire defensive line resulting in them being quickly pushed towards the original borders by the remoralized German armies and Austrians armies. But once we reached the original border it turned back into a stalemate once again despite numerous attempts on both sides trying to push the other side back causing massive casulties so I had the HRE try to naval invade the enemy allow a push from the planned front and old front. I also used a tactic I liked to call the naval distraction which was when my ships began to mass trade with Polish-Lithuania to distract their navy while the HRE can invade the costal area of Lithuania. I then pulled out of all deals not only weakening the economy, wasting the time of the Polish navy, and allowed the Germans to land in Lithania which was quickly contained but opened a gap for the original front to force the stalemate to end in Austria/German favor.

Polish-Lithuania pov

NO THE ENTIRE FRONT IS COLLAPSING! I quickly began to conscript mass forces to hold the Western front while I had my forces quickly contain the new opened front before it caused my nation too much trouble. The situation in the Western front has decreased but is still a slow push by the enemy which should make the war more deadly but at this rate I am losing the war... perhaps I should peace out... I then smiled as the British and Russian volunteer cores got reinforcements allowing me to be able to push a little in the Northern front.

Alternative Spanish EmpireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora