Ottoman's dilemma

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(mentions of certain people in history)

Ottoman Empire pov

I called all major nations to the meeting room I have in Instabul with the son of the Sultan taking over under my supervision to prevent influencing of the new Sultan from foreign nations.

In the Ottoman meeting room

Ottoman empire: I am sure you heard of what the person known as Adolf Hitler did to my Sultan.

British Empire: Yes the incident you call the death heard around the world

Austrian Empire: I apologize for this incident caused by a citizen of my nation

Ottoman Empire: I have some demands I want from you

Austrian Empire: I'll see what I can do about them Ottomans just tell me

Ottoman Empire: I want full access to all confidental files that I won't leak to anyone, pays medium war reps for 2 months, and the handing over of the family of Adolf Hitler

Austrian Empire: The first one can't be done because of how well they are confidental for a reason, I can pay the war reps, and I won't hand over his family

Ottoman Empire: Well then you want war?

Spanish Empire: Stand down Ottomans you know you can't win a war this big

British Empire: Actually they can as the alliance he is in backs him

French Empire: Then we will back the Austrian Empire

Swedish Empire: Now now guys why don't we try to negotiate this much more okay?

Ottoman Empire: We can negotiate but if 3 days after this meeting they all fail war will come

Spanish Empire: Understood Ottomans

Austrian Empire pov

The reactions to the event caused massive morale boosting by the Austrian public with Adolf Hitler being seen as a hero for doing what no one else had the guts to commit to the Sultan. The armies celebrated whilst they prepared to fight the Ottoman scum who had taken a huge stability drop but it slowly recovered. The spy agency has heavily encouraged us to save Hitler from his execution as many suspected that saving him will heavily increase the morale of the nation which was allowed with 1 day after 5 spies from our agency killed themselves as the other 20 had brought Hitler to Vienna. The public of my nation quickly praised him with him recieving many gifts from the average populace of the empire with the religious figures thinking of Hitler as a part of a prophecy where the Ottomans collapse which Hitler is a major part in or is the key to the Ottoman's collapse in every way possible. This made my government have him and his family under heavy protection with the spy agency devoting more than half of their resources to his protection with many attempts on Hitler's life occuring with Hitler's knowledge of politics granting him a key position in the decisions of the King of the Austrian Empire which made the ethnic tensions which were already low even lower.

Ottoman Empire pov

My stability took a huge hit but is on the road of recovery with my population hating the Austrian Empire but some ethnic groups who still want freedom like Serbia and Romania see this as good for them. This is causing the Serbians and Romanian races in my nation to become hated alongside the Austrians with tensions in my own empire growing as the Egyptians who dislike me despite my reforms for them have been rioting but not to the point of an independence attempt luckily. I have to fix my empire or I'll explode and Hungary shall fall to the Austrians which must not happen at all costs!

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