The creation of BNA and the pain that will come

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Treaty of Boston

- French America in the Central part is annexed by the 13 colonies

- 13 colonies annex British America

- 13 colonies new name is British Northern America

- BNA pays war reps to the Vice Royalty of New Spain and French America

- Minor border changes between British North America and French America in the North of Northern America

- Spanish Empire agrees to no intereference when it comes to wars against colonial holdings of the British Empire

- British Empire agrees to the same thing

- The French also agree

- All people in this peace deal when involved in American issues sign an NAP for 50 years

Signed by BNA, the British Empire, French America, Vice Royalty of New Spain, the French Empire, and the Spanish Empire

BNA pov

I quickly focused on recovering the damaged lands and stabilizing them before they revolted so that father has more back up to help them crush the enemies we have all over the world. I smiled as the British dominance of North America is now secured especially with the regional power of New Spain practically kicked out of North America while French America is now barely a nation. I then sent my forces to help other areas or reinforce father as the British fleet has been facing numerous battles without break which father feared could lead to a successful naval landing of them which would lead to their fall. I also began to send my resources to help father grow stronger to hopefully allow the navy to expand and repair at an easier rate to decrease the chances of a Spanish-French invasion of the British isles.

Spanish Empire pov

I had occupied Gibraltar so I moved my men to take the last of the British colonies in the med to secure them. I also began to help my daughter recover from the war she has lost... I also sent workers to help her while some of my army stayed to help prevent a possible collapse of her nation... She has faced pain she shouldn't have faced before and I must stop it before it consumes her alongside the entirety of her nation... I will not lose a child that easily to the British of the North.... I also began to have my men guarding Gibraltar commit some questionable things to the British in Gibraltar in honor of New Spain....

Vice Royalty of Peru pov

I had heard that fate of my sister which had angered me especially due to the fact that I could have done more as I had not mobilized my nation while my sister mobilized more than half of it.... I felt that I could have stopped this... I failed my sister... I then saw a message from my mother about us all meeting for a little talk... I was scared because I worried she would blame me for the failure of the American front especially so soon.... She might go back to her old ways...

Vice Royalty of Arabia pov

I smiled as the Ottomans were being pushed back with plans of me annexing the entire Arabian penisula for mother... I also heard of the fate of my sister... It broke me when I heard of the news...So I told my men to make sure if they find any British soldiers to not let them leave in nothing but body bags.....The British shall pay for this pain they bestowed upon my sister...

Alternative Spanish EmpireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora