WW2 finally starts (updated)

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Russian Empire pov

I was shocked that the Spanish Empire decided to declare war on me due to my attack on their ports which quickly had the British and Polish-Lithuanians join in on my side to keep the Spanish allies of Central Europe out of the war for now. I began to focus on holding the line with the Swedish seeing as they are the only ones that have a border with me currently with Polish support helping me hold the line while my forces also went to help the Qing deal with the Spanish allies in Asia.

Vice Royalty of Siberia pov

I was in shock of my entrance into the war but due to my 200k army I quickly focused on reinforcing my border with Russia while my economy began to focus on economic expansion, my navy focused on securing our sea lanes with Japan, and searching for resources to boost my economy even more. I was worried about the quick fall of my nation due to the Russians being trained for this terrain but I sighed as I knew my forces were also trained for it and for battles inside of buildings alongside ambushes if we have no choice.

Spanish Empire pov

I quickly had my men begin to commit into a full push into British colonies that I border while my children in America went to help fight the 13 colonies alongside the growing British North America who is crushing the remains of French America. My children in Asia mostly focused on holding the line while making some minor offensives to secure important areas or cripple the enemy supplies with my colonies in Africa commiting to a full push into British Africa with Swedish and French aid to help push. Spanish Madagascar focused on holding the line with the main goal of distracting as much of the British African navy as possible due to them holding most of the Spanish titanium for their factories. This meant that if they fell my entire economy might collapse and even worse than during the Great Crash that crippled the entire world alongside a near economic take over of the world economy by the British with their Ottoman ally.

French Empire pov

I began to focus on helping fight the Russians and Polish in the Swedish front, my clash with the still weakened UPD but not with much push thanks to the British helping them hold the line. Meanwhile my colonial holdings in Africa put up a strong fight with French East Africa losing lots of land but has so far held them from capitulating them, the French Raj is helping the Vice Royalty fighting the British Raj, on top of my colonies in America are losing but Spanish help is decreasing the amount of battles lost by them slowly. I smiled as I heard of British Africa collapsing due to the amount of fronts they have to deal with especially when I heard that the Spanish Empire managed to navally land onto British Gabon opening a fourth front for them to face.

British Empire pov

My situation in Africa and Asia is not truly in a good spot... The British Raj is fighting 1 front of huge amounts of troops, and meanwhile the 4 fronted war in Africa is crippling the British colonial African army with minor reblels appearing.... Luckily my daughter the 13 colonies is really beating the French and Spanish in America making me smile at her due to her pushing them out of the Central part of North America. Unfortunatly the fighting in the Northern part might cause me to lose all of British North America but if we take all of Central Northern America it should even itself out in the end.

Vice Royalty of New Spain pov

The 13 colonie's generals are too smart for us... So we decided to agree to a peace treaty in America to prevent the huge amount of blood from being lost in this war which the British Empire and Spanish Empire added some demands for the other to prevent such war from happening again.

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