WW1 part 2

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Russian Empire pov

I annexed Qasim after some deals were made with them. I used the manpower to help the Ottomans hold the line against the Austrians, Germans, and French with us being pushed back very slowly. My men also were crucial in the holding of Ottoman Africa as I stopped them as the battle for Tunis which my men won for the Ottoman army restoring some sort of morale for the Ottoman armies in Africa allowing a small push to occur pushing our enemies back just a little bit.

Spanish Empire pov

My men have minor pushes into the Ottoman Balkans making the front slowly turn more and more into our favor than the Ottoman's favor which has been helpful as the Serbians revolted with the Ottomans now having another front to be forced to focus on. My navy has helped fight the British navy with huge success in many areas aside from the Asian naval front which is still in the British favor alongside the British homeland which makes a lot of sense.

HRE pov

My forces were at the Polish border but then the Polish-Lithuanians joined against us since many suspected this I began a push into them so I can attack them while they are still an unorganized military on their front for a few days until they came to fight. So I quickly had the military go onto a defensive phase so that reinforcements can arrive so that we can push them much easier and reorganize the front to prepare for it.

Swedish Empire pov

I smiled as I was very good at pushing the Russians back but I did lose the Baltics but I knew I would be able to get it back very easily. I also used my son's colonial forces to help stop the 13 colonies from pushing into their nation to cause them to capitulate with my daughter Swedish Brazil sending aid to help prevent this as well.

French Empire pov

My colonial forces have helped weaken the British forces in Asia which has helped break the British naval resistance there just a little bit faster. My colonial forces in America have evacuated North to try and pull gurelia resistance there until we push the British back I just hope they continue to hold on long enough for us to help them out. My colonial holding in India has expanded thanks to numerous wars and deals I have made to help fuel the war effort against the British Empire much easier to commit to with stabilization campaigns increasing to help make sure they do not revolt against me. My colonial troops in Africa have been pushing the Ottomans until the Russians got there with the front turning into a stalemate despite any attempts of pushing by either my enemy or the my side. The economic state is doing well for now especially with the gains in India but I worry it may not be enough to fund the war so I began to focus on making a 300,000 savings for if we fall to debt to save us from as much of it as possible. I also invested into the new lands I had gained so they don't cause my economy to collapse almost instantly with my navy making further pushes into the British Raj oceans.

Vice Royalty of Peru pov

With my growing army and economy I focused on helping out my siblings in the war effort with my army going to help in the 13 colonies front with my navy going to help fight the British navy in Asia which is still a thorn in the war effort. My economy has been focused on helping boost my father who is fighting numerous battles all over Western Africa fighting the British colonies in the area with varying amounts of success. 

British Empire pov

In the colonial front I am doing well but the economic state of my nation is collapsing due to the constant bombings of our coasts crippling the sea industry with my factories facing shortages of resources due to the British Raj being cut off from my nation. The main reason my economy hasn't fully collapsed is the Russians sending me the resources I need which is literally saving my entire economic state. So I began to focus on sending more of my navy to try and open up trade with the British Raj as the Russian economy is starting to feel the affects which gives me another reason to open the trade lanes with the British Raj once more.

British Japan pov

I knew the war was going horribly wrong so I sent my navy to try and attack the coastlines of the Vice royalties in Asia which has drawn their attention bringing some pressure off of my big brother which made me smile. So I focused on protecting my lands knowing they will come and strike me which I have to prepare for before they crush my economy leaving my already weak economy into a much weaker state.

French Algeria pov

My armies have been in a stalemate but with the Russian front falling thanks to the Swedish they began to draw back their aid allowing us to make more pushes which has been crucial in keeping our morale in any sort of stable state. Then the Egyptians revolted allowing us to push in a much easier rate with the Ottomans collapsed all but assured now!

Ottoman Empire pov

I managed to fight off the Serbians 3 months after they revolted but with the Egyptians doing the same as them I knew my empire's collapse is coming soon... so I focused on holding the Suez canal. I knew I needed to get out of this war with what I have left or what will be left soon will be nothing but the races that still remain loyal to me.

Russian Empire pov

I am holding the line with the backup from Africa but the Ottomans are on the road to collapse now I have to try and help them out so I decided to try to negotiate the Ottomans out of this war.

In the Austrian meeting room

Austrian Empire: My only demand is Hungary from the Ottomans in exchange I shall help the Ottomans out

Russian Empire: Thank you Austrian Empire

Austrian Empire: No thank you for ending this bloody front

With the Ottomans approval the treaty of Budapest was signed

Treaty of Budapest


- Cedes Hungary to the Austrian Empire

- Cedes borderlands to both Spanish Empire and French Algeria

Austrian Empire

- Helps the Ottomans with the Egyptian revolt and any other revolts that occur for 2 years

- Pays minor war reps to the Ottomans

Signed by the Ottoman Empire and the Austrian Empire

Alternative Spanish EmpireUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum