World war 1 starts!

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French Empire pov

I quickly began to push Ottoman Africa back to stop them at all costs and to weaken the stability of the Ottomans much more as I sent my naval force to help fight the British naval force while my forces in America began to fight the British to kick them out of the area. The British then called in the UPD which I reacted to by calling in the Spanish Empire and the Swedish Empire to counter them because if the British are going full force in this war then I must have my alliance do the same to even the odds!

Spanish Madagascar pov

I quickly began to land into Dutch South Africa so I can take them down with my army whilst gaining small amount of French backup as the British Raj is making it hard to naval invade them so they want me to take down the South of Africa so we can divert more naval and land forces to help land into the British Raj which made sense to me.

UPD pov

I quickly began to have my army push the HRE and the French a little before going onto the defensive as the amount of troops they sent to fight me is a very large number so I have to weaken it as much as possible before it is too late because I lose by staying on the offensive. I also smiled as my navy helped the English navy fight the French and Spanish navies which have been distracting our main naval forces... THEY MUST BE PLANNING ON INVADING OUR COLONIES! I quickly told this to the British who began to invest more into the navy so they can send naval forces to help our colonies on a greater rate than before to save them before their plans succeed to far for us to counter it.

Swedish Empire pov

My armies are pushing into Russia despite the huge resistance they have forced upon me which made me smile so I had my navy help the French navy fight the Dutch and British navies. I also had sent a small amount of troops to help the HRE push the UPD to surrendering on our terms before this war could become too bloody too quick.

13 colonies pov

The empire was under attack so I had my troops defend the area while Newfoundland helped me hold the line against the constant French and Spanish attacks on the nation to help prepare for an offensive against their demoralized troops when it comes to it. My naval force with the part of the Royal navy has been beating the French navy for now causing huge amounts of damage to the enemy fleet. After talking to the generals we decided to push as reports of the French and Spanish troops have looked demoralized in many different forms so we began the offensive known as the Manifest offensive. The offensive pushed our enemies out of French America which we took over then went back to defensive positions while we focused on trying to occupy the lands we took from the French colonial Empire.

Vice Royalty of New Granada pov

I smiled as the remaining colonies on South America the Dutch owned were taken by my nation with us focusing on helping them recover from the bloody war this is. I sent my soldiers to help fight the 13 colonies with my naval force focused on helping finish the 13 colonial navy off to prevent them from harassing the trade in the Carribean. From the situation the entire Spanish navy is slowly kicking the British navy back to the 13 colonies at all costs which has been slowly killing the Spanish navy and the British navy.

Vice Royalty of Asia pov

I smiled as our naval force has begun to slowly destroy the huge resistance of the British royal navy in Asia which has been slowly declining thankfully which has helped us. My sister the vice royalty of Indochina has been crucial as her navy has helped us push the British Royal navy very much due to their admiral ambushing many British ships making the admiral known as ' the ambusher'. I sent my army to help in America as my generals think it will take a few months to break the defense so I sent my armies to help the losing front in America hold the line at all costs.

British Raj pov

I readjusted my suit as more ships were being made to stop the Spanish-French naval push which has slowly been working so I must make it as hard as possible to prevent the fall of defense leaving me open to invasion. I also smiled as I looked to see my armies training for the coming invasion as we predict it will take a few months before the defense falls with a few days before any move of an invasion occurs.

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