WW2 part 5

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British Empire pov

I am seeing the Spanish armada and French navy coming towards my nation so I moved my British Royal Navy to counter them while I cordinated with the Polish plus the Russian navies. This is so that they can help fight this possible war changing battle. I quickly sent my forces to land into the coast of Normandy beach with Poland and Russia sending their forces to Dieppe to quickly naval invade while the Spanish plus the French navies aren't looking currently.

French Empire pov

My navy was fighting a join naval force of the entire British navy, the entire Polish navy, and the entire Russian navy in the West of their lands. I then got notified of 2 invasions of my coast from the sea so I quickly sent soldiers to deal with it with the Spanish rushing over soldiers to deal with it as well. I also began to have nearby citizens evacuate while burning their homes to weaken the supply of the enemies for as long as possible to allow my forces to get there before the British and their allies repair it then push me. The UPD is losing land but it is costing too many losses so I focused on moving the offensive in the front into a defensive to prevent using manpower that could be used on other front on a front that will take a long time, this could leave the British able to push and crush me much easier.

Spanish Empire pov

NO! They landed in France! I quickly sent my mainland forces to aid the French in kicking them out of France as quickly as we can possibly do it. I also had my men in Africa speed up the front, Asia focused on holding the huge amount of British forces fighting them while the French Raj helped us out, and Siberia made some pushes into Russia while Imperial Japan took back all of Manchuria plus making even more significant land gains being taken by the Qing.

Manchuria pov

I smiled as my men began to push them all back with the hopes of linking up and slowly closer to uniting the Siberian front with mine. This should allow us to send more aid and men to fight the Russians plus more corrdination which could be crucial in the future of this war effort. My economy is increasing with the occupied lands giving me some currency from the people in them that are loyal with them paying my version of taxes. Which is allowing me more money for my army plus economic recovery of lost lands to boost my war engine which my government has told me looks like is starting to lose steam.

Japanese China pov

I smiled as the Qing are losing to us but it has become much harder with the increase of Russian manpower that is nearby with them even pushing us back a little bit which concerned me.

French East Africa pov

I was still healing from the damage I took from fighting on my own until mother arrived to help me. So I focused on commanding my men from bed with some going to aid my mother in the defense of her homeland from the enemy which has caused so many of my friends and family so much pain.

British Africa pov

The protests have caused me so much pain so after talks with the British Empire I peaced out of the war to allow more manpower for other fronts and to kill the French much easier. I looked at the peace deal and sighed knowing it was very bad for us but it is better than my complete collapse.

Treaty of Africa

- Spanish Gabon is returned to the Spanish Empire

- Borderlands with the French Empire and Spanish Empire is annexed

- French East Africa annexes border lands with British Africa

- Chad is released (whatever lands British Africa holds that is Chad's) as an independent nation

- British Africa pays heavy war reps to French East Africa

- British Africa pays medium war reps to other nations

- British Africa's army is restricted to 500k for 60 years

- French Benin is released (French colony)

- Central African Republic is released (independent nation)

- Spanish Empire annexes remains of Mali and Niger

- British Africa reliquishes claims and sees any freed nations as independent nations

Signed by British Africa, French East Africa, Chad, Spanish Gabon, French Benin, the French Empire, the Spanish Empire, Central African Republic, and the British Empire

British Empire pov

With British Africa out of the war currently colonial wise my colonial empire did lose lands but gained an even amount back at the end of the war currently. If I do indeed lose in the Asian front I will have lost more land then I had gained even more than after the African front ended so with the troops from British Africa I moved them there to aid them.

Indochina pov

I was holding the line but with the steady backup of British troops fighting to push us back I got pushed back to my original border so I tried to prepare an offensive to push them back to gain some sort of land. My navy on the other hand has been failing to beat the British navy but I have been pushing into Qing in exchange for losing ground in the British Raj which has kept the war support strong for now luckily.

Sesia pov

I pushed into Qing with Indochina's help while I helped Indochina hold the line with the British Raj with the French Raj's aid as well. My navy has been key in keeping the Qing from gaining any support from the British that would come via the sea making aid to Qing much harder for them. This resulted into them being weakened the resources of the enemies a bit but never enough to cripple them or hurt them any kind of significance unfortunatly but it does possibly prevent future operations they make to be just a little bit less potent or prevent them by a few days. I knew if we took down the Qing that is one of the biggest of British allies they have meaning taking them down would make beating them much easier alongside allowing more manpower to other fronts which has helped us make minor pushes into the British Raj once more.

Qing pov

My people haven't been rioting but I have begun to push back the Japanese but lost lands to Sesia in exchange. Luckily for me the gaining for land from the Japanese has been keeping morale and war support high for me right now luckily for me. With the increase of the mobilized troops due to the call for mobilization I forced the Spanish front into a stalemate while I began to take some of my lands back from the Japanese.

Imperial Japan pov

I was being pushed back by the QIng so I focused on having my armies force them into a defensive position while we set up defenses. I also burnt supply lines to buy us time to prepare to defend while weakening their economy a little bit which could help weaken them enough for a pro Japanese pace deal. I also used my navy to bomb their ports to insure they don't make another navy while weakening their coastal economy so that their economy slowly declines while mine only stagnates for now. Luckily for me I already took down British Japan due to them being embargoed them taken by my troops so I focused on boosting the lands their while the Spanish and French sent me money to help out my economy.

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