The fall of the UPD

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UPD pov

Riots began to occur with the Spanish moving closer yet closer to Amsterdam. My armies were being beaten back with the current British support not helping out much despite George Washington helping out. I then saw the demon of the Spanish Empire and even saying his name was very scary... It's the legendary Franco...I saw him and his army of Spanish demons as many of my armies and allied armies called them scared practically anyone even the brave George Washington himself. His armies blizted around mine in smaller groups crushing armies of 1 million each with 100k on each side and even outsmarting George Washington in which he encircled a 5 million army with 1 million then nearly killed the 5 million British had George not had his men make a tunnel which the remaining 500k escaped to. (yes Franco is a Spanish war hero and to the people who hate him I advise you not ask for a side chapter about Franco's blitzkreig like rise to the general position.)

Spanish Empire pov

I smiled as Franco reported that Amsterdam was in his sights with the many armies he commanded focused on surrounding the capital which after a 5 month fire fight had finally happened. Then Franco had ordered a push to capture the Dutch government then forcing them to surrender to reclaim what he said: "Is no nation but a rebellion that succeeded through the power of sabaotage!"

UPD pov

My capital alongside my government was encircled and after 2 months of what armies were encircled trying to hold the line Franco had captured us all forcing us to sign what is called the humiliation treaty.

Treaty of reclaimation

- UPD is annexed by the Spanish Empire directly

- Dutch America is given back to French America

- Dutch East Indies is annexed by Sesia

- Dutch government is executed

- UPD is executed

- UPD is titled the rouge state that fell

- Dutch Oceania is released as Australlia (independent nation)

- Dutch troops pull out of all lands

- Dutch ships are given to the Spanish Armada

- All troops of the other side of WW2 pull out of the UPD

- Franco takes control of Spanish Benelux as the Leader of Spanish Benelux

- The new lands are not involved in WW2

Signed by Sesia, the UPD, Dutch America, French America, Dutch government, Dutch Oceania, Australlia, Spanish Benelux, and the Spanish Empire

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