The death of Hitler

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(16 plus as it involves death, blood, etc)

Hitler pov

I was arriving to Berlin with the diplomat of the HRE about the creation of the German federation which is all German lands uniting while all have a say in the affairs but stay a Austrian puppet. I then heard something around my carriage so I pulled out my gun and sword while looking at the entrance to my carriage with caution while preparing to fire at whoever enters. I then heard a whistle then felt a pain in my chest which I looked to see a sword through my chest.... I knew removing it would kill me faster so I just focused on making sure I don't get hurt anymore while I prayed that I would make it to Berlin alive. I coughed up some blood so I tried to get the sword out of the carriage's wall so the people who get to me can save me much easier so I fired around the wall. I began to remove it from the carriage with much success I then sat on my bed whilst praying I could possibly make it just to live so my wife and child won't be without me. I then blacked out as I heard "WE FOUND HIM AND HIS CARRIAGE!"

Austrian Empire pov

I heard about the death of Hitler to a stab wound from an assasin which pissed me off because he was my best in practically all political points... When the public heard they demanded to find who did this with many of my citizens searching to find the person who killed Hitler. The reaction the Hungarians give was a demand of Hitler's death becoming a national holiday which was quickly granted with the Hungarians also going all over the world to discover who would murder Hitler. Hitler's wife and Child went under my protective services in case the assasin took down the only 2 people who Hitler cherished with the Hungarians alongside other minorities even making a donation of 100 thousand Austrian krones to them. I will fund who did this and make them pay for this vicious crime they have commited against my nation.

??? pov

Good Hitler is down now it is time for rightful lands to return to my nation!

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