The Polish-German war/Dutch-French war

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Polish-Lithania pov

I smiled as the killer did his job so I declared war on the HRE while holding off the Austrians while easily pushing the HRE due to them only recently recovering from the economic depression the Crash had caused making me smile. I knew the French would join but thanks to my allies I knew they would be distracted alongside the Spanish Empire possibly so I told them to do it quickly before the French joined the war.

French Empire pov

I was about to join the war and furfill my position of the HRE protector when out of nowhere the UPD declared on me?! I quickly began to amass my troops to fight them when the British Empire joined the war against the HRE so I sent volunteers to help them alongside reliable amounts of supplies to fuel their losing war effort. I smiled as the Spanish joined on my side which did cause the Russians to aid in the fight against us once more so while my colonial armies and the Spanish colonial armies began to fight the UPD colonial army, I moved my main troops to crush the UPD, the Spanish began to move their troops to attack from Siberia to distract as many Russians from fighting us as possible. The Japanese asked if we wanted them to fight the Polish or the Russians but I told them to not fight either as all it would do is cause unessesary losses in Russia's case while Poland is too far for them to really turn the tide too much which they understood but prepared their armies to try and distract as many Russians as possible which would help the Spanish invasion of Siberia.

Imperial Japan pov

I want to help the Austrians fight the Polish or the French fight the Russians but I know that the most I could do is invade the cold, attritionful lands of Siberia but the Spanish are training troops for it and I know that my troops are not ready for the cold... So I decided not to join either war and send supplies to help both nations in wars that are on our side while I focused on economic plus the military improvement which hopefully shall open future situations that I can help more in the future. I smiled as my trades with the Spanish and French with the resources that Manchuria holds has allowed my economy to grow in size quickly which made me dependent on them to keep my economy from total economic collapse. 

Spanish Empire pov

I watched as my 500k troops in the Vice Royalty of Asia were preparing to invade the Sikaland islands above Japan's allowing us to distract the Russians alongside possibly get a planned Vice Royalty of Siberia. This plan is a very ambitious won that has been kept secret to hide it from the Russians in case they find out about it which would cause a lot of tensions and could possibly end my alliance with my allies which is one of the main reasons I refuse to reveal it still. I smiled as the navy of my daughter had crushed the local Russian navy in the region with them now focusing on guarding their coasts from the Russian naval reinforcements while my 500k began to move to land on Vladivlodstock allowing us a naval port and a good landing position for pushing into Siberia.

Russian Empire pov

I smiled as we began to move with my navy to land in the Netherlands to help them when I got reports from my army in Siberia of the Spanish taking down the navy and landing in Valdivlodstock which I quickly began to pull some forces alongside conscripting some men to help hold the new front. I quickly adjusted myself as I was heavily worried about this new front which did worry me very much as I worry of the Spanish colonizing the Siberian lands causing me to lose massive resources with my puppets helping me fight the Spanish with not much success. 

Khiva pov

I was tired of fighting the Spanish so in a secret agreement I declared independence which I quickly turned by army against the Russian army which shocked them causing them to be pushed back by the Spanish with my aid. Meanwhile my defensive army is holding off the Russians and their puppets with a variety of success on all parts of the front. I smiled as Siberia is slowly being taken over by the Spanish with the Russian casulties slowly piling up for the war effort.

French Empire pov

I smiled as I landed in the Dutch mainland with my forces pushing them colonially with them quickly being kicked out of America with the Indonesian lands holding on but my navy is preventing them from being too much of a threat plus crashing the economic state of the UPD. I smiled as my forces successfully began to push the UPD who then began to ask for negotiations with us pushing in their south and West. I then managed to negotiate the following terms

Treaty of Paris

- French Empire annexes borderlands with the UPD

- All remaining colonial holdings in Dutch America are annexed by the French Empire

- UPD pays war reps

- Dutch East Indies pays war reps

- War name becomes Russo-French war

Signed by UPD, the Spanish Empire, the Dutch East Indies, and the French Empire

Russian Empire pov

With the UPD out of the war and the Spanish pushing me in Siberia this war is now over no matter what now... So I managed to negotiate a peace deal that had some suprising results in Siberia especially.

Treaty of Madrid

- Occupied lands in Siberia become the Vice Royalty of Siberia (Spanish Vice Royalty)

- Russian Empire pays war reps

- Khiva is given independence

- Khiva annexes borderlands with the Russian Empire and their puppets

- Russian Empire signed 50 year NAP with Khiva

- Khiva signs an defense pact with the Spanish Empire

- Khiva signs an defensive pact with the French Empire

Signed by Vice Royalty of Siberia, the Russian Empire, Khiva, the French Empire, and the Spanish Empire

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