The HRE introduces their protector

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French Empire pov

I got an invitation to the HRE meeting room? It is possible that they want me to enter the HRE but I need to know the context so that I don't accidentally cause the Austrians and HRE to switch sides which would probably cause my current allies to dislike me for it as well.

In the HRE meeting room

French Empire: Why am I here?

Austrian Empire: We talked about a new position in the HRE

French Empire: I assume you want me to take it?

HRE: Yes it is known as the protector which means you would protect us in any kind of war in exchange we will all give 1% of our economy to you

French Empire: Hmmm I guess that works but if you fight my allies I am saying no okay?

Austrian Empire: I doubt it would occur but if it comes to it we will understand

HRE: So the question is do you accept it?

French Empire: I accept the position

Austrian Empire: You will be of equal authority to me as any less would probably cause you to hate me

French Empire: You guessed correctly Austrian Empire

* the news is announced to the world *

Spanish Empire pov

The HRE brought France into their untied state? That means they are going to be a lot more powerful than before especially since the HRE now technically has colonies now making them a much more major player in world politics in a way but the French also grew a little stronger in the world stage. I smiled as my aid has been helping the HRE recover from their economy with my aid doing similar to the Austrian Empire as well which both have been some of the friendliest countries to my government. I then set up a colony near the Ottoman Empire known as the Vice Royalty of Arabia which I quickly began to invest in with them annexing a lot of land. (all of the small middle east nations connected to Persian gulf sea alongside the remains of Oman and Yemen) I quickly focused on boosting the stability, economy, and military so the Ottomans can't colonize it after my new son collapsed which I will not allow to happen so easily.

British Empire pov

The French joining the HRE makes the HRE a much bigger threat to me but I also had became worried about the Spanish expansion so I quickly began to expand my colonies with the creation of British Malaysia which will be underneath Siam. I smiled as I helped boost their military, economy, and stabilization which will help counter the growing colonial empire of the Spanish Empire which is very strong currently. I also colonized some islands near Spanish Madagascar to help grow my economy and military just a little more plus being able to send more aid to fight in the African front much easier compared to last time. This would make fighting them easier with more manpower and it would be much easier for my navy to fight in Southern Africa at a much easier rate.

Ottoman Empire pov

The new nation involved with the HRE makes them much more powerful and protected than before meaning even an attempt of attacks could result in the fall of more of my lands maybe even independent nations as well! I stopped the expansion explaining that if my nation explodes it will allow the enemy to split the Arabians up which they understood me. I then smiled as the negotiations are over with the creation of Ottoman Egypt to help prevent the Egyptians from revolting in exchange for an autonomy update for them. 2 months after this had allowed my economy to begin to skyrocket in power with my military on the way to recovery alongside the stability of my nation which allowed me to continue the expansion into Arabia which has become much more important with the Spanish colonizing some of the lands allowing them a opening to colonize a lot of Arabia. Luckily for me they haven't but this isn't good now the Arabians want to take the Spanish colony but my government explained that we got crushed by them before if anything another loss could result in more territories of Arabia being divided amongst our enemies which made them calm down for now.

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