Qing-Japo war part 1

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Japan pov

We united 4 years ago and wanted to take over British Japan but I knew taking it would be easy but how could we fight off one of the biggest powers in the world? So I decided to demand Qing to give me Korea in exchange for me promising a NAP and defensive pact which would help both sides of the deal.

Qing pov

I heard about the demand Japan had sent me and I thought about it but said no because there is no way the Japanese could beat modernizing China. I began to move troops to help Korea to fight the Japanese while my navy prepared to fight the Japanese navy if they attempt any attacks on my nation but my navy met theirs which I lost too as theirs is more modern while mine is more bigger than modern. I then got naval invaded in numerous areas of my nation so I began to send my armies to help fight them off while I began to focus on repairing my navy to invade them.

Spanish Empire pov

I knew making the Japanese modernize would help us due to their hatred with the British Empire due to their colonization of part of their nation. So I invested in them while they fought the Qing Dynasty in exchange for them promising some land from Indochina and my vice royalty of Asia which means my children grow stronger while I get relations with an upcoming strong nation. I also began to focus on helping my spy agency grow so I can find more things that can weaken my enemies while making my allies stronger or I gain more allies to fight my enemies. I also focused on boosting my military with the recruitment of people who are upcoming people in the military academy and giving them what they are best in so that they can train for when I fight my enemies in the future.

British Empire pov

I knew the Japanese beating China would make them stronger and since they hate me right now that is not a good thing for me. So I began to help the Chinese in exchange for being gifted Hong Kong and sending a small volunteer core to help fight the Japanese which would allow me to understand Japanese tactics in case I end up in a war with them.

Russian Empire pov

I knew the Japanese would be a prime area to stop Spanish expansion in an effort to counter the growing concern of Spanish expansion so I began to help them due to the Japanese being a good friend with my nation alongside China hating my guts. I began to focus on boosting my economy so I can help the Japanese and keep my budgets much easier without having to decrease them as much as I can. I also focused on trying to counter the growing Spanish relations between Japan without making the Japanese hate me as much as possible which will allow me to possibly try to negotiate a fix of the dispute of British Japan between the British Empire and the Japanese.

Alternative Spanish EmpireOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz