WW2 part 6

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British Raj pov

With the war support and stability that is growing in power I knew holding the front was nothing but a must do or I would collapse but luckily the Indians are loyal for now so I focused on making sure they stayed loyal while I held the front the best I can. I smiled as my navy hurt the economy of the French Raj then retreated as the French Raj's navy is much bigger than mine currently so to face it would leave my enemy with total sea domiance which who knows could happen if I allow them to have it.

French Raj pov

The British Raj has been annoying me with their bombardments when I am not looking so I focused on building a purely defensive navy to counter the British navy. I also focused on recovering from it alongside setting up naval defenses to also counter the British Raj's navy just a little better next time they pull a quick hit on my coast once again. I also focused on fixing my war support as the coastal drive byes has hit the morale so if I could beat one back it would help my morale a lot.

Indochina pov

With the small push war support has returned to what it was during the early start of the war but with the morale also returning I focused on holding it so my nation could gain something from this war at least. I also focused on trying to find rebels in the British Raj to use to fight with us with no success yet sadly for my side of the Asian front. On the other hand we are in a stalemate with the Qing which has not ended despite both sides trying to make it go into their favor with a failure on both sides.

Imperial Japan pov

With the Qing pushing us back in Japanese China I focused on forcing them into a defensive while trying to push in Manchuria to make the Qing want a peace deal instead of me wanting one. I also focused on burning cities when the Qing were reported to be moving towards the city with the people being evacuated to prevent them from being captured by the Qing army and would come back if the army defended the city or town successfully. I did frown as I lost some land but minor pushes from Manchuria made it a nearly even gain or land and loss of land with me gaining lands while the Qing took land from me frustrating both sides a good chunk. I smiled as my mini colony in mainland china that I directly control has been holding on while even making small pushes so I focused on reinforcing it as it perhaps might be the way to defeat the Qing.

Qing pov

The fronts are in my favor currently but my conscription never stopped because I want to push the Spanish and Japanese out of mainland Asia at all costs. I also stopped the front with the Spanish as I knew it would waste manpower I could use to push in other areas while the Manchurians are still causing me some problems so I sent backup to them and the area where Japan controlled a colony to bring my people home.

British Empire pov

The British Raj is holding with my backup helping her hold the line against Indochina who is a very powerful nation on her own. I smiled as I made pushes into the French Empire even further with my men approaching Paris itself with dashing speeds while my forces focused on getting as much supply to aid the army of 4 million British soldiers being led by George Washington himself. PARIS WILL BE MINE!

French Empire pov

The British are approaching Paris itself so we began to neogtiate a peace deal while I tried to prevent the British from taking as much from myself as possible. I then looked at the peace deal and calmed down understanding that I had lost this fight for now but will return eventually.

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