The finished recovery and the growing distance of economy

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French Empire pov

I smiled as my economy had finished now but unforunatly I have to focus on catching up to the economies of my enemies with the Russian Empire recovering 1 month ahead of me thanks to constant aid from the British which they are paying back while I am doing the same while I expanded French East Africa .(all Tanzania and the border with Kenya) I then began to boost them so I can pay the Spanish much faster boosting their economy and mine at the same time. I smiled as my economy even while paying debts is at my pre crash power meaning I'll be stronger once I pay them all back making me able to catch up with the others much easier than I thought it would be but I knew it would still be a hard fight for me.

British Empire pov

With the French growing past their pre crash economy I began to expand my colonial empire in South Africa which had reached the colony of British Gabon which I created after I took it from Spain so I quickly began to boost the economy to create a bigger economic distance between me and my enemies as long as possible. I also did some minor expansions in my colonial holdings in Asia which helped increase the difference even more in my favor allowing us to buy ourselves more time to increase my economy.

Swedish Empire pov

My economy recovered which allowed me to continue the funding of my colonial empire with me landing a small colony in Africa. (the coast of Nigeria) I quickly began to invest into Swedish Nigeria which I had expanded to boost the manpower and economy of the colony thanks to the recovery of my economy which was also boosted thanks to the power of the new colony for my colonial empire.

Russian Empire pov

I began to make my moves in my economics with my economy booming thanks to my industry gaining huge investments from the British, my puppets, the Qing, and the British colonies dragging to me a huge amount of daily money which I can use to fund further economic boosts for my nation. I also smiled as my army is the 3rd biggest only surpassed by the British Army, and the Spanish armies which I will surpass the Spanish with British help to crush the enemy much easier especially since the British army combined with mine is bigger than the Spanish army but with the French alongside the Swedish it does sadly even out. But with Japan becoming our enemy and the Qing becoming our ally this might change the tide in our favor or go against our favor with the new front opened up now. 

Spanish Empire pov

I began to focus on increasing my economy to catch up with the economy of the British market which I began to catch up with thanks to the power of colonial expansion. I expanded my lands in Africa and with the finishing of the investments in Asia allowing my economy to grow bigger in size while using my economy to open up trades with neutral nations or nations under the enemy sphere which I used to begin to fight over the influence of the nation. I also focused on increasing my colonial economy via the increasing of the oil being mined in my colonial holdings in Arabia which allowed me more oil allowing me to save money by trading less for the oil I need for my economy with some more of my colonial power expanding. I also declared and won a quick war in which I created a new colony which became apart of the Vice Royalty of Arabia which I used to boost my colonial economy even more while allowing a much stronger front against the enemy with the additional manpower alongside the naval bases they granted me.(Sindh) The Spanish economy is growing to catch up with the British and the Russian economies allowing me to be able to fight their economic dominance that they took from me back which I hope will eventually result in my economy reaching the top once more so that I can help my allies and children much easier.

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