Swedish-Russian war final part

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Swedish Empire pov

I smiled as our pushes reached all of the Baltic coast of Russia with us even taking the entire Karelia Penisula from the Russians. I smiled as the Russians offered me a peace deal which I accepted as I made them sign the treaty.

Treaty of Helsinki

Russian Empire

- Cedes all of Karelia to Swedish Empire

- Cedes Saint.Petersburg to the Swedish Empire

- Pays heavy war reps to the Swedish Empire

Signed by the Swedish Empire and the Russian Empire

Spanish Empire pov

I smiled as my trading partner grew stronger in power while one of my many enemies the Russian Empire decreased in power. So I focused on securing my relations with the Swedish which is easy due to the fact that my volunteer core had really befriended the Swedish that they demanded the volunteer core be transferred to them which was begrudgingly accepted under the condition that the general could return home if needed which was agreed too. I smiled as this boosted my government's stability even more which made me smile as I read the letter from my desk. 

British Empire pov

It failed but we can gain a new ally in Russian Empire so I sent them an invitation while I focused on boosting my economy and navy so I can combat the French and Spanish navies who combined will be a huge threat to my ocean dominance.

Russian Empire pov

My people disliked this loss but understood that it could have become a lot worse so when the British wanted me to join a secret coalition against the Spanish I glady accepted this while I focused on paying my war reps and helping my military alongside the economy recover plus grow to help out. 

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