Polish-German war final part

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HRE pov

We all read the treaty the Spanish Empire has proposed which we all agreed to as it benefitted both sides in different ways.

Treaty of Madrid

- HRE and the Austrian Empire annex the border strip between them and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

- Prussia is ceded to the HRE

- Polish-Lithuania signs an NAP with both nations

- Both sides pay their own war reps

- Either side can't enter any indirect wars with each other for 20 years

- Polish-Lithuania reliquishes claims on the lands they lost in this treaty

- The HRE becomes the German Federation (Austrian puppet)

- Austrian Empire allows more rights for their Polish minority

- Spanish Empire withdraws forces from nations they supported

- The borders of the German Federation, Austrian Empire, and Polish-Lithuania is now a demilitirized zone for 50 years

Signed by the HRE, German Federation, the Austrian Empire, the Spanish Empire, and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Russian Empire pov

Darn the Polish lost this war but luckily the German Federation and Austrian Empire can't intervene in wars with their allies if Polish-Lithuania is called into the war. So I decided to focus on helping Polish-Lithuania recover their economy and help them restabilize as massive protests are still happening meaning they could collapse which would leave the Spanish allied nations to their west to expand into the broken lands leaving me a land border with them.

British Empire pov

With the growing colonial might I hold I focused on making sure it is all at it's economic peak while my military prepared for wars to be waged with the colonial might of the Spanish Empire, the French Empire, Japan, and the Swedish Empire. While I have a strong hold in many places some colonial holdings could fall easier than others like British Japan which could easily be cut off then capitulated without much of a fight. I also knew that the British Raj while big is still vunrable to a huge 2 front war which is given time would cause them to fall crippling my economy while British America and the 13 colonies could hold but if given time alongside being cut off they would fall as well... I began to bolster defenses on the more vulnrable colonies while sending men to other areas and trying to boost my economy at the same time to insure that any economic collapse would be next to impossible to occur which would be useful in the future war to come which I will dominate the enemy colonial empires with my preparations.

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