The discovery of Oceania

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UPD pov

With my economy recovering I expanded Dutch East Indies annexing the entirety of Papa New Guinea allowing more economy to be able to heal my economy at a much faster rate allowing me more independence from the British economic aid. I also found a new land which I called Oceania which I landed some colonists on to start the colonization of Dutch Oceania which annexed a good chunk of lands with my colonization stop so the economic, military, and stabilization of the new colony so that my colonial empire is now able to combat the enemy much easier.

British Empire pov

I heard about the new continet being discovered which I used to colonize some of it which I called British Oceania. I then used them to boost my power which was already competing with the Spanish and French Empires as it was now I am on an even more even footing with them. I also colonized some land in Asia via buying it which helped my colonial standing increase with more lands in Africa being colonized to counter the growing Spanish Empire.

Spanish Empire pov

I heard about the new area for colonization which I colonized 2 small islands which I called Vice Royalty of Oceania which means I can begin combating the expansion in the new continet much easier. I also landed on the land they are taking with the Vice Royalty with us quickly stopping to stabilize their economy, and military so that they don't collapse which would weaken by empire especially in the region. I then began to colonize some of Africa with my colonies so that I can counter the growing British African colonial empire which I also made a colony in the horn of Africa which I quickly annexed the entire coastal lands without much of a fight from anyone. I then gave the new colony to Vice Royalty of Arabia so that it could be stabilized. It also allows my economy to meet an even stronger economic boom which has been reciveving debt requests from nations all over the world due to the war reps alone but then in a shocking event known as the economic collapse my economy collapsed at the exact same time as the French economy allowing the entire world to collapse to an economic decline.

13 colonies pov

With the economic collapse my economy collapsed with it making us much weaker economically with the entire stock market crashing. This worries my siblings who have already been focused on economic repairs now are unable to meaning their economies made the crash even worse for the world. 

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