The collapsing reactions

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British Empire pov

My economy is still in the positive but just barely with my economists reporting that the creation of British Oceania and British Malyasia are the main reasons this occured so I focused on boosting my own economy while trying to help my allies recover from this horrid event. I also reduced my navy and army to try and help even my economy out so that my economy can handle other things like rations as the Russian Empire's economy collapsed leaving food production from them nonexistant meaning my entire population is under threat of starvation.... How do we fix this?

Spanish Empire pov

Drats my economy crashed... I began to focus on trying to save my economy via decline in my army and naval spending with the result being my economy barely in the positive with all food production in a crippled state which my economy is in no condition to repair... How can I fix this!

French Empire pov

My economy is in shambles with my colonial economy collapsed as well. I am quickly falling to huge debt due to the fact that I am taking in hundreds of loans to try and fix this which has only worsened the situation with the already broken Spanish economy breaking even further because of this. After 5 months the colonial economy was fixed allowing me to pay back loans and fix my own economy allowing the Spanish economy to start its own repairs as well... This needs to end soon... My American colonies are thinking of independence and I don't think my allies or me have the steam to stop it if they try to do it. This is horrible!

Ottoman Empire pov

Luckily for me my economy was out of the stock market so I thrived from this economic collapse of my enemies. I began to help my allies in the stock market to prevent their collapse with annexations of uncolonized lands in the Arabian penisula starting up again so the Spanish don't colonize it to save their dying economy. THIS IS PERFECT!

Russian Empire pov

My economy has crashed horribly due to the crash of Spain and France who while my enemies were still important trade partners for guns and ships for my army. This made my army slowly demodernize with my economy taking consequences from nations unable to pay for food making my economy crash. Luckily for me the British and Ottomans helped me with the economic crash I have been facing which has made my public encourage growing the already very good relations with both nations. I am in the race to repair my economy before the French and Spanish can do the same thing. I MUST WIN THIS RACE!

UPD pov

I took a huge hit with the economic collapse but luckily for me my colony in Asia saved my economy as apprently one of the main reasons my economy is still thriving is due to the Dutch East Indies which I awarded them with more autonomy from the empire making them a dominion. This helped boost my economy as the economy in the Dutch East Indies boosted thanks to the added motivation to help the economy with the independence level up I have gifted them. I have to recover so that I can fix my economy before this collapse allowing me to be able to help my many allies out alongside playing off the 200k of loans I took from the French and Spanish to pay off my war reps to them. This will make them economically stronger but I need to pay it or they'll take my land for compensation which means my economy would crumble and I don't need that.

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