WW2 part 4

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Arabia pov

I was heartbroken when I saw Peru collapse mentally in front of my eyes... Peru was always the father figure of most vice royalties especially during wars where the Spanish mainland was fighting. I was also hurt that New Spain needed help as well... She is like a mother figure when the Spanish Empire doesn't have time for us which is rare.... I will not fail her... I smiled as the Ottomans began to get pushed farther and farther from my lands before the war but I frowned when we began to get held back so I told them to go into defensive position to prevent them from pushing us to capitulation.

Ottoman Empire pov

The Arabians have helped me try and hold the line but it has not worked much but luckily I held them until they got to the line of the Suez. (They held them off from the bottom of Jordan all the way to Kuwait now) I smiled as all of my men had finally arrived with minor pushes against the Vice Royalty but not too many... I frowned at the stalemate but I hoped the British once they arrived could help push them back a little bit.

British Africa pov

With the war on 4 fronts occuring I am losing lots of land with the protests in my nation starting to rise in size and amount of protests. My army maybe huge but my armies are feeling heavily demoralized from the loss of winning battles, my navy is focused on barricading Spanish Madagascar with not much success, and my current economic state is currently facing a lot of losses due to the boycotting of my economy by my population. My government is consulting with the British Royal family asking if I should surrender or not while my men move to find a defendable position in our territory with hopes of getting a stalemate on them or weakening them enough to push them back to my former size and then some.

(Changing Vice Royalty of Asia to Vice Royalty of Sesia)

Indochina pov

I began to push into the British Raj with help from Sesia my sister and French Raj my sister from another nation. I focused on getting to more open areas so that if I retreat from the area I can go to the smaller part of the front while preventing the British Raj from having a defensive advantage in the battle with me. After I got past the smallest part of the front then opened up a sizeable front for a defensive in my favor so I had them go into a defensive while we planned on pushing the British Raj with goals of capitulating them to close down one continental front for this World war. My navy alongside Sesia has not blockaded them but I focused on helping my brother of Spanish Madagascar to distract the British African navy more so that he can possibly open up a 5th front in the African front. This could hopefully push British Africa to its limits leading us to tear them apart and place them with some more colonials or influenced nations of my mother's sphere. 

Siberia pov

I smiled as I held the line with not much losses alongside some minor land gains due to small offensives made on my side of the front going right. My current economic status is going well with even small boosts thanks to the land occupied from my former land holder. I smiled as some Japanese troops had arrived to help me hold the line while I focused on making sure my navy could aid the Japanese navy in their fight with the QIng plus Russian forces.

Imperial Japan pov

My puppet in Manchuria has lost some to the Russian Empire land but in exchange had pushed into the Qing a bit while my colony of Japanese China has pushed slightly but did lose around 100k soldiers in exchange. I did get a promise of military access from Khiva meaning I can hide my troops there if I get encircled near their nation which will save some lives alongside possibly pissing off the Russian Empire. I smiled as we made minor pushes into the Russian Empire in Manchuria once my actual armies arrived with the Chinese losing some land to us but we were forced into an offensive before we could reach Bejing. 

Sesia pov

I made pushes into Qing to aid the Japanese while I also helped Indochina push the British Raj back alongside them helping push the Qing as well. I smiled as the navy has been helping the Japanese navy crush the Qing navy to prevent any possible thorns from them in the future. I also focused on researching something to even the odds even more something to tank the damage.... So we began to test with metals so that we can find something that can tank numerous gun shots then make a mobile vehicle that can fire to hopefully change the odds in our favor to even further in our favor. 

Spanish Empire pov

I smiled as I had seen the colonial fronts on our side with the mainland front on the British side currently mainly thanks to the BNA sending backup which prevented the battle of Dover from being a Spanish win. It also crippled the main Spanish army alongside causing slight pushes in their favor in the African campaign but the fast push only stopped for 3 weeks. 

Battle of Dover

Senario: 3 million Spanish troops landed onto Dover

Spanish manpower in the battle: 3 million

British manpower in the battle: 2 million

BNA manpower in the battle: 2 million

Key point in the battle: When George Washington flanked the entire Spanish army and cut their supplies off crippling the Spanish armies

Result: Spanish loss and the loss of all 3 million Spanish troops

French Empire pov

I smiled as the Northern African front had reached the falling Eastern African front which is barely holding on due to them being cut off from the coast 1 month ago causing the front to mostly collapse into British favor. With the arrival of both fronts approaching each other I had my troops rush to help the collapsing front so they can evacuate to our front alongside their government to prevent them from peacing out before I arrive.

British Empire pov

The African front is heavily collapsing, the Asian front really being a push on both sides which I have gotten to the small front, and currently the mainland front is doing well alongside causing massive losses for the Spanish army weakening their manpower for the war. I began to talk with Polish-Lithuania about them trying to invade the French with my support. So we began to plan it while we prepared a naval invasion to support them with George Washington who is one of my best generals being awarded with the Victoria Cross by my monarchist family personally. I had prepared an army sized alongside BNA manpower of 6 million with the BNA generals being taught by George Washington alongside them teaching him some tactics as the BNA generals have also caused encirclements similar to the battle of Dover numerous times. I hope the French collapse so we can gain even more land from them much easier alongside maybe even gaining some historical lands from them for the British morale.

Polish-Lithuania pov

My forces, navy, and the Russian navy began to prepare with one goal to complete for this operation. Land on Dieppe so that we can gain a beach hold then 2 days after the British shall land in Normandy to force 2 fronts onto the French Empire. The final phase would be a push to Paris with the goal of capturing their government to force the French Empire to become our influenced nation to cripple the Spanish sphere in mainland Europe to contain it more towards the South of Europe. I began to move my navy while the Russian navy and British navy moved to combat the French navy with my navy to distract it so the infantry can move to land on the planned towns. 

Spanish Empire pov

I smiled as the expanding navy armada with the goal of cutting off the trade for the British isles so I can starve them out therefore making me outlast them so I can get an even better trade deal. I began to move my navy in sync with the French navy so we can starve them out or land onto the British isles but either way we will kill the British isles at the end of the day.

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