WW2 part 8

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Spanish Empire pov

The French Empire lost?... I was in utter shock that the French had surrendered to them...I prepared my army to be at the border of France to protect it from the coming armies while my navy prepared to take back the land the British stole from the French. I also focused more on the economic recovery of the colonies I lost during World War 1 but recently got it back from the British Empire. I knew that the odds were against me and the Swedish much more especially with the French leaving the fronts but luckily the Swedish have made gains against the Russians with their navy causing significant problems for our enemies.

Swedish Empire pov (I forgot they existed for so freaking long)

I knew the French leaving would change the tide of my front so I went on the defensive while my generals reorganized all the operations so that we can fill the gaps before the Russians use it against us. I smiled as my navy had finally cleared up a path for me to naval invade the Polish so by using my port access with the HRE I moved my troops from Prussia to land onto the Polish coast. I quickly had them push to take the entire coast while my navy focused on hunting down and exterminating the Polish navy while fighting the West Russian navy which will be a lot harder than the skirmishes but taking out the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth would even the playing field against the Russians plus the British much easier. My colonial holdings have been sending their navies and armies to aid me by mainly holding the front plus crushing any convoys or British ships full of men.

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth pov

Darn the Swedish landed in my mainland! I quickly began to pull men back to help protect the nation from the Scandavian front and the Spanish front because if I fall the Swedish could flank the Russians. I also called for Russian support which currently stopped them at the battle of Pila forcing them into the defensive to buy time for my forces to back them up while a constant stream of Russians held them off for now which I owed them for.

Spanish Empire pov

With my forces trying to beat my many enemies in France I decided to take the UPD down so I can expand much easier plus gain the old colonial holding of the Spanish Benelux back. So I sent my entire fleet to secure the sea lanes for a naval landing on their lands which should lead to a quick fall of the UPD. I quickly had my children fight the Dutch colonies to weaken the UPD's economy allowing me to come in for the finishing hit on them which would be the fall of their capital of Amsterdam.

Dutch East Indies pov

My navy was already destroyed by the Indochinese navy in the early stages but now they are landing in my lands!? I quickly focused on trying to push them out with little success and if anything I think I got them to push even further due to my lack of properly experienced generals which crippled the army's experience. I focused on using similar tactics the French used to stop the British which did stop them while my mobilization was happening for a few weeks I just only hope that I can push the Spanish scum out of here.

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