WW2 part 11

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British Empire pov

With the UPD now out of the war this meant the Spanish Empire had grown even stronger which would make them a much harder enemy to counter due to the new manpower, economic gains, and military generals they had gained. I focused on making an even bigger navy especially as the UPD navy plus Spanish colonial navy and the Spanish mainland navy is nearly 2 times bigger than my entire mainland navy plus colonial navy. (Britannia rules the waves no longer!)

Spanish Empire pov

I smiled as my lands I had lost had been regained alongside the prestige I had lost when they had left my grasp of power. I began to focus on using them as a naval refueling base for my navy that is much closer in comparison to my mainland making the operation known as Sealion much more possible than it was before. (Fun fact is before there was a 90% chance of it succeding now it is practically 100%) I smiled as the new manpower helped the Swedish push much more while allowing more manpower to go to other fronts alongside an economic bonus to my already strong economy making it even stronger than my economy which was the top of the world already was without the Benelux region.

Russian Empire pov

Both of my fronts I have made some land get retaken but lost other lands in exchange which is slowly causing protests to end this war. My government is also beginning to doubt our chances of winning especially with the ex-capital of St.Petersburg slowly getting closer to falling to the Swedish forces despite my attempts to push them back... I am doubting I can possibly win this war...If the British or I don't get a major victory I might just leave the war myself to prevent riots or outright rebellions in my nation...

French Empire pov

My colonial empire has truly fallen...luckily the Spanish helped me regain some of my land back which helped my stability but my people still dislike the government...If I don't regain more and more lands the chances of my nation not completely collapsing to civil war is quickly going to increase which is very bad...Especially if the British use it as an excuse to take over more land from my nation ruining my economy and military much more. 

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