2) The gift

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Gon's p.o.v -Morning-

The sun shown through the windows in my house and hit the side of my face as I slept. It was warm but eventually it got to bright and I woke up. The morning started off like any other day. I did my daily chores and ate an apple for breakfast. Aging up never feels any different. I'm still the same o'l me.

I change out of my pajamas and throw on a white button up and a pair of very worn shorts. I lay down on the small couch in the corner of my house. As I'm staring into nothingness I notice a dusty package sitting on the top shelf of a cabinet. I stand up and walk over to it. I reach a hand up feeling around for the box until my fingers slide against it. I pull it down and look at it in my hands. This is...

I completely forgot about this. The present my dad left for me to open on my 18th birthday. Today. I can't believe I noticed this now of all days. My heart begins to race as I rip open some of the wrapping. Inside the box is a small journal. It looks used already from the cover. It reads "Light Haven" on the front.

I blow off some of the dust and open the book. The seal makes a crackling sound as I bend the spine back. My eyes begin to water at the familiar writing in front of me. My dad wrote this.

I read it out loud to myself. There aren't any full sentences it's all just random letters and numbers. I flip through more pages to find a map on the last few pages. It's a map of an ocean I've never heard of. "What is this?"

I flip through the pages again until I get to the very last page. All it says is "Find it"

What does this mean? Why would he leave me this without any context. A sigh of frustration slips from my mouth. I don't understand this at all..

I slide a hand through my hair and plop down on the couch. I toss the journal to the side. I thought maybe..maybe this journal would give me an idea of what happened to my father. But it gave me nothing at all.

After sulking for a few hours I grab a bag and start to head out of the house. I look back at the journal sitting on the couch and contemplate bringing it with me or not. I walk back inside the house, grab it, and shove it in the waist band of my pants. I'm not really sure why I'm bringing it with me..

Today I'm going to be boarding a ship. Not really boarding more like sneaking on to one. We have tons of ships who come and go from this island everyday. Many of them carry some valuable items that are worth a lot of money. And as of now I have no money so I'll do whatever I can to get some. As long as I don't get caught I'll be fine. I've done this plenty of times. I throw my bag onto my shoulders and walk along the shore. It's easier to get away with these kinda of things at night but most of the pirates who have their ships docked are out in the towns during the day so that means there's a higher chance of no one being on the ships.

It takes about an hour to walk to where the ships are docked at. Now it's time for the fun part. I smile to myself as I look over each ship. All of them are huge. My eyes glance past them until I spot the one I like best. It's a dark brown wooden ship that towers over the rest. It's sails shake in the wind and the water crashes against the sides. I have a bit of knowledge about these boats. I used to read about them all  the time at the library in town when I was little.  There's always a latter at the very front of the ship that I use to climb up. I step into the water until it goes past my chest and I grab onto the latter before the current sweeps me away. The ladder on this ship doesn't look like it's been used much. Moss and seaweed cover the steps making it slippery to climb. I do my best to not slip. On the very last step I reach my hand and grab the upper part of the deck but my hand slips and I swing backwards to where I'm only holding onto the ladder with one hand dangling above the water. I let out a loud gasp as I scrabble to get my footing back. I finally am able to pull myself up onto the deck. I look down at my hand and notice blood dripping down my arm and onto the sanded deck. I wipe it on my shirt and continue on. Just ignore the pain..I keep telling myself. I creep along the edges of the ship deck noticing that no one is around. "Phew"

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