26) Drunk

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Gons p.o.v
"Why wouldn't I have beer?"
"I don't know. I assumed you were a coffee guy or something."
"Coffee guy?" Kurapika questions, raising one eyebrow.
I nod. "Yeah..

Kurapika laughs. "do you want some?"

"I haven't really drank much before...but sure!"I answer and grab a bottle of beer.

Kurapika takes out 6 bottles of beer for the both of us and places them on the floor. After pouring some into two cans he hands it to me.
"Here you go." He says before handing me my drink and sitting down next to me.

I chug the first cup down and then wipe my mouth. Kurapika gives me a thumbs up. "I kinda wanna get drunk tonight" he says while taking a drink.

I let out a short laugh at his comment before grabbing my own drink and taking a large sip. "That sounds pretty good right now.

3 Hours later-2:36am
"hahahaha Killua used to be such a nerd it was soooooo funny." Kurapika slurs his words together. Both of us are drunk.

We are both laughing and giggling like teenage girls. Eventually Kurapika passes out. I stare at him on the ground and laugh at him. It's been a long day so I decide to join him on the floor for a nap. I lie down on the cold wooden planks and close my eyes. My mind starts to drift away as images of Killua float around my head. Memories flash by. Some I've never had and some I would love to have.

Right as I'm about to fall asleep someone walks in the room. I quickly sit up.

I open my mouth and let out an exaggerated and slow gasp. "Killuaaaaaaa" I sing.
His blue eyes meet mine, they glisten and shine. His hair looks messy and unkempt, but the sight in front of me makes me smile anyways. He sits down next to me and keeps his mouth in a thin line.

"Your Drunk." He mutters quietly.

I laugh and shake my head. "Yup" I agree. I reach out and grab his hand. "Come lay down with me. Please Killua. You know I hate sleeping alone." I say, giving him puppy dog eyes. The corner of his mouth twitches upwards. He shakes his head.

"I didn't know you didn't like sleeping alone.." He mutters quietly. He stands up. I let go of his hand.

"Where are you going? Killua please..." I pout.

"To bed."

"please Killua.."

"you have Kurapika with you. You'll be fine."
He tells me walking to the door. He stops and looks at me. "Don't worry Gon I'll be in the room next to yours, alright? Don't worry."
"Killuuuuuuuuu. Noooo! Come back!! Don't go!! If you go I'll scream and wake everyone up." I pout.

I open my mouth to let out a loud scream but before I can Killua is behind me with his hand covering my mouth.
"Shhhhhhh...." He whispers softly in my ear and his hand slowly moves down to my chin. "You're not a child anymore Gon."

I let out a deep sigh. "I know.."

I try my best to speak quietly so no one outside of the bunk room can hear us.
Killua slowly removes his hand from my mouth and lets out a small breath. "Ok I'm leaving. Now go to sleep." He says quietly.

I watch as he closes the door gently and walks off. I drift off to sleep.

A Few Hourse Later
I awake to the sun streaming down on my face through the window. The sunlight feels nice on my face as the heat hits. As I open my eyes I find myself laying on top of someone. I look down and noticed I'm basically crushing Kurapika. I quickly scramble off of him and let out a quiet yawn.

It's not long until all the memories of last night start to flood my head. My face flushes bright red and I feel panic rising inside of me. What am I going to do? Am I really gonna talk to him today?! No way! I can't bring myself to do it. I need some time to calm down first before saying a single word.

The moment I open the door to leave the bunk room, Killua happened to be walking past the door. My face turns red again.

"Morning Go-"

"I'm sorry about last night!" I blurt out.

He sighs but ends up smiling. "it's fine. Oh and I'm assuming you'll be back in my bed tonight right? Cause I do remember you saying something about not liking sleeping alone?" He smirks.

I cover my face with my hands. Killua gives me a pat on the shoulder and makes his way to the ships wheel.

The rest of the day was pretty busy. Everyone was preparing to arrive at Light Haven. There was only one more day until we arrive. One more day till I get to see my father. Im filled with anticipation.

As I'm about to go back to Killuas cabin I'm stopped by Oliver. He looks at me. "Gon? Can I talk to you for a moment? Alone?"

I raise an eyebrow at his sudden change in tone and walk over to him. When we enter the room he turns to face me. He puts his hands behind his back. "I just want you to be aware of what's going to happen when you get to the island."

"what do you mean?"

"You and Killua are going to that island for two different reasons. You want to stay on the island with your father. Killua needs to get some items and then he leaves the island and will probably never come back."

I stay quiet.

"I know you like Killua. But what I'm about to tell you is going to hurt really bad."

"what is it.."

"Killua is incapable of loving someone else. Trust me. I used to date him I would know. He's not going to blink twice when it's time for you guys to go your separate ways."


"I'm just trying to warn you Gon. You should stop trying to get with him. It'll make things less difficult when tomorrow comes."

"Fuck you Oliver."

I glare at him before storming out of the room. Suddenly I feel a strong hand grip my arm. I whip around and glare harshly at who I assume is Oliver.
"Gon...I'm just trying to help you."

"I don't want your help." And with that I yank out of his grip and walk away from him.


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