17) Alluka

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Killua's p.o.v
It's already been 4 hours since we left the last island. Everything has been running smoothly so far. We have yet to run into any complications. I put Kurapika on steering duty so I could go find Gon. I haven't seen him since we had our small argument when we first left. He's probably sulking somewhere.

I've checked almost ever room and deck on this ship and he is still no where to be found. How the hell is he able to hide from me on my own ship. I even had Leorio go and help me but he gave up quite quickly. I scratch the back of my neck and then walk over to the edge of the boat and rest my arms on the ledge. I look out at sea and eventually my thoughts drift away from finding Gon. I pull out the green necklace and hold it In my hand. The reflection of the sun on the gem makes it look like it's glowing.

I close my eyes and think about Alluka's situation. She's been in a coma for 5 years. I don't know how much longer she'll be able to hold on and that thought scares me. It scares me so much. I don't know what I'd do with myself if I lost her.

I take a deep breath and shove then necklace back in my pocket. I pull away from the ledge and make my way back to my cabin. When I open the door I almost jump when I see someone standing in the corner of the room just staring at me. I let a breath of air out when I realize it's just Gon. "You scared the hell out of me..So this is where you've been this entire time. In MY cabin."

"I was reading." He mumbles.

I look down at his hand and see a blue covered book. He's clenching it tightly. "Oh..I see."

I clear my throat and shut the door behind me. Gon's eyes follow me as I walk inside the room and sit in my bed. "We'll be there in 4 hours. Once we arrive in Deaths Strip we will be stopping at and island about 20 minutes into the strip. The map in your book says that that island has another clue to getting to Light Haven. Kurapika, Leorio, Oliver and I will be the ones actually stepping foot off this boat. You'll be staying here. And I do not want to hear you complain." I keep a stern look on my face.


I'm surprised at how easy it was to get him to stay. He didn't even argue. Strange. Maybe he's come to his senses and has realized how dangerous this will actually be.

He sets the book down on my desk and steps over to the door.

"Wait a minute..I still need to talk to you." I Sit up straighter on the bed.

He turns back and looks at me. "What is it?"

"I just wanted to apologize for being a dick earlier. I don't want to seem controlling..I'm just looking out for you."

Gon's lips move upward slightly. "I know.."
He has such an innocent smile. The way the corner of his eyes crinkle each time he smiles..it just...it's a small detail about him that I happen to like..a lot. I force myself to look away from his face before my own face turns red from thinking about him.

Gon looks like he was about to leave but instead of doing so he walks back over to where I am and sits next to me. "Killua.."

I don't know how I feel about the proximity of the two of us. "y..yea."

"Can you tell me a little about Alluka? I feel like if we talk to each other..if we tell each other about what we hold dearest then we might be able to understand each other a little better"

I think about his words. It feels like someone just lifted a bag full of bricks off my chest. His longing to know more about Alluka made me feel lighter...it made me feel comfortable. "Ok..well what do you want to know?"

He looks up at the ceiling like he's thinking and he taps a finger to his chin. "What was she like?  Was she like you at all?"

I smile. "She was the light in my family. She knew exactly what to say right when I needed to hear it. Not only that she also said what I needed to hear and not what I wanted to hear. That was always helpful. I think she was the complete opposite of me. She wasn't afraid of anything. I was a kid filled with fear and anxiety. Of course that has gotten better over the years I've been traveling. I just wish I could've been more like her. I wish it would've been me that was in a coma and not her...I'd do anything to switch places with her.."

"I think you're pretty brave Killua." Gon's eyes soften as he looks at me.

I scoff but not in a rude way. "Not as brave as she was. If you saw her you'd know."

"I don't think very many brothers would go on a 5 year journey to find a cure that might not even exist for their sister." He fidgets with his hand as he talks. He seems to do that a lot.

"I owe it to her." I say.

Gon gulp and he looks like there's something else he wants to say. He doesn't stop messing around with us hands. "Um..there's something else I want to know..how did you...how did you know that you we-"

Before Gon is able to finish speaking Oliver bursts into the room. "Killua, Kurapika needs help steering the ship. Wind started picking up and it's getting pretty rough out there." He quickly shuts the door behind him and is out of sight.

Gon and I exchange looks and I rise from the bed. "We can finish talking later. You can stay in here if you'd like. O..or you can go somewhere else it doesn't really matt-"

"I'll stay..thanks." Gon gives me a smile and a wave. I nod at him and walk out of the room. My head is all over the place. I want to know what he wanted to ask me...Oliver had to come in at the worst time. I role my eyes at the thought of him and quickly run over to the wheel to help Kurapika.
Question of the chapter

What did Gon want to ask Killua?

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