22) I'll take the floor

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Killua's p.o.v - later that night
The ship was almost completely dark except for the few lanterns which were scattered around the ship. Kurapika was the only one still out in the deck. He normally stays up pretty late making sure the ship stays on course. Leorio and Oliver are in the bunk room and Gon...he's with me in my cabin. He's sitting on the edge of my bed with his eyes glued into a book. I'm sitting at my desk trying to analyze the paper I found with the missing words. I sneak a few glances at Gon every once in a while. My eyes move up to his forehead. The bandage is peeling off on the right corner a bit.

I stand up from my chair and step over to him with a new bandage and ointment. He doesn't look up from the book so I take the book out of his hands.

"Hey! I was reading that.." he groans.

"I'll give it back after I change the bandage on your face." I sit next to him on the bed and take off the old bandage. He winces slightly. I put some ointment on the cut and then put the new bandage on.

"All better." I say.

"Thanks.." he mumbles.

I'm still holding the book in my hand. Gon reaches out to try and grab it but I move my hand away.

He makes a pouting face but that face turns into a smirk real fast. "Give it back."

"Come and get itttttt" I hop off the bed and run to another corner of the room.

"Killuaaaaaa" he laughs a bit as he chases me around the room trying to get the book back. He almost catches me but I scramble back into the bed and stand in the corner. He lunges at me and brings us both down onto the mattress. His legs are on either side of my waist and he is reaching over me to grab the book from my hand. He eventually snatched it out of my hand and let's out a cheer of happiness. We're both out of breath from running around. My heart feels like it's about to beat out of my chest. And not just because of the running. The position were in right now...

I watch as Gon's chest moves up and down faster then usual. He's got the book in his hand but he doesn't move off of me. His eyes are locked with my own. Does he even realize what he's doing to me right now...

I'm gonna tease him a bit. I want to know what he's thinking...because this kind of situation..doesn't usually happen between 2 boys while one of them is straight.

I slide my hand over his hand and snake it up his arm. I feel him tense up but I don't stop. I pull his arm down and he basically falls on top of me. He face in only a couple of inches away from mine. I can feel his breath against my skin. "Are you toying with me Gon? Cause if you are...I'll get you back and I won't stop." My eyes soften as I look from his eyes to his mouth. Oh my God...I don't think I can control myself much longer.

His face is bright red and he stutters while trying to get words out. "W..w..what do you mean t..toying with you..." His voice echos in my head.

I gotta stop this..

I play off the situation with a laugh. "I'm just kidding." I role out from under him and hop off the bed. I walk back over to my desk, sit down, and go back to looking at the paper. My face is still cherry red so I avoid looking back at him.

Gon's p.o.v
I place a hand over my mouth and adjust my position on the bed. That was....I liked it. Shit. Why do I feel like this. I didn't want him to stop.

I get off the bed and head over to the cabin door. "I'll be right back. I'm gonna...use the bathroom." I stare at the back of his head until he nods and then I leave the room quickly. I walk as fast as I can across the dark ship until I get to Kurapika at the front. He raises an eye brow when he sees me.

"Wow. What happened to you?" He asks.

"Yea I'm definitely gay for him."

Kurapika just stares at me for a few seconds and then bursts into laughter. "Back up for a second. So how are you so sure of this? Did you ask him what I told you to ask?"

"Well no..I never got the chance. But we were like..on top of each other...in a bed....and I liked it...so I'm pretty sure I like him."

Kurapika smiles. "This is great. Killua needs someone like you. Alright now all you gotta do is go back in there and tell him how you feel!"

"Uhhhhh no. I don't even know if he likes me back. I mean..he does have a flirty personality."

Kurapika sighs. "If you don't tell him this won't go anywhere."

"I just want to wait a while longer..to make sure I'm sure of myself." I say while walking back to Killuas cabin.

"Ah.." I hear Kurapika mumble something after I leave.

I take a deep breath before going back into the cabin. Once I finally go inside, the first thing I see is Killua making a little pallet on the floor. He's laying down the last blanket when he notices me.

"I'll take the floor and you can take the bed." He says.

"I don't wanna steal your bed from you."

He looks up at me. "I really don't mind."

I fidget around with my hands for a second. "Well....I..uh...wouldn't mind sharing the bed." I advert my eyes away from him yet somehow I can tell he's smiling.

Y'all are lucky. I felt like writing today so here's another chapter for the week.

Question of the chapter:

How do you think Gon and Killua's relationship will change after they spend a night together?

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