16) The beginning

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Gon's p.o.v
Killua left me to wake up Leorio and Kurapika. He left in a rush to get back to his ship. I guess he does have a lot of things to get done since he is the captain. It still amazes me that at his age he's able to run an entire ship with a crew and everything.

After walking down the hall, I stop at room 12 and give the door a light knock. At first I hear nothing but after a few second I hear Kurapika's voice through the door. "One sec!"

I hear shuffling and movement coming from inside the room. Then the sound of the door unlocking. Kurapika pops open the door and steps outside. His clothes are all messed up and his hair is all over the place. Looks like someone has a wild night..

"We'll be right out. Just..uh..packing up our last few things. Why don't you go on ahead. We might take a minute and I'm sure Killua could use some extra help on the boat."

I blink a few times before responding. "Oh yea..your probably right. I'll see you guys on the ship then."

He gives me a bright smile but returns back to the room shortly after. And now I'm by myself. Killua is gonna be pissed..

Oh well.

I leave the Inn and start making my way back to the ship. I can see it in the distance. It's all lit up and I watch as the sails are put up. I walk along a dirt path that is in the open so I can see basically everything around me. It's always good to be aware of your surroundings.

I notice to the side of the dirt path a bunch of beautiful wildflowers lining all the way down the path. My curiosity gets the best of me so I crouch down and pick a few of them. The colors are so vibrant and fresh. I picked a few pink, yellow, and green ones and then set off to the ship again. I stare at them the entire way back.

Once I arrive and walk up the creaky wood planks onto the ship I notice Killua staring at me right away. He steps down from where the ships wheel is and rushes over to me. "Where's the other two and why do you have a bunch of flowers?"

"Oh they said they would meet us here. And I thought they were pretty so I picked them.."
Please don't be mad. Please don't be mad. Please don't be mad....

He shuts his eyes and lets out a deep breath. "So they left you alone?"

"Well I mean I went along with it too-"

"Next time you'll stay with them or whoever I tell you to stay with. You should never be anywhere by yourself." His voice sounds deeper then usual and his lips form a straight thin line.

I avoid making direct eye contact. "I'm not helpless you know...You act like I can't do anything to defend myself if something were to happen."

He clenches his jaw. "You said you never left your island before right? That means you don't know what the rest of the world is like. You don't know how terrible people can be. I'm just trying to look out for you.."

I turn my head away from him but don't say anything else. He turns away and goes back to the front of the ship. I won't tolerate him treating me like a kid..I get that he thinks I'm not capable of defending myself but he's wrong about that. I was by myself for a long time after my dad left. I know how to take care of myself..

After about 20 minutes Leorio and Kurapika make it back to the ship. Killua quickly calls them into his cabin probably to talk to them about leaving me or some shit.

Killua's p.o.v
I glare at the two of them while they look at me like I'm crazy. "Man you really gotta calm down about that. He's not a kid. He wouldn't have gotten lost when clearly the ship is visible from where the inn was." Kurapika says while placing a hand on his hip.

"I'm not going to sit here and argue about this. I am the captain of this ship and you'll do what I-....." I stop myself from saying anything further. I turn away from both of them and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"I just want everyone to stay safe..I don't want to lose anyone on this trip. Not like last time.." My voice softens as I talk.

Leorio grabs my shoulder from behind me. "We know. We'll do everything we can to help you with that. But you can't go all crazy protective over Gon. If you're not gonna treat the rest of your crew like that then you can't treat him like that either."

"Yeaaaaa it's like your giving him special treatment!" Kurapika adds while wiggling his eyebrows.

I let out a quiet sigh and nod my head. "Your right.."

"Alright then. Let's get back out there and get this boat moving." Leorio says while opening the door to the cabin. We all walk out and for some reason I avoid looking over at Gon. I can feel his eyes piercing the back of my head.

I ignore it and yell out for someone to pull up the anchors. The moment they are up and the wooden planks are back on board, the boat starts to move. Kurapika stands up front with me and holds the map out in front of him pointing in the direction I need to steer. The waters today are a bit rough. But luckily it doesn't look like it'll be storming any time soon. Maybe if we're lucky it won't storm till after we get to Deaths Strip. It would be a lot easier to get there if it didn't. Once we start getting closer to that area it gets pretty confusing due to the fact that there are so many little islands everywhere. But with my crew I'm sure we can get through somewhat ok.

This is just the beginning of our journey.


• A certain scene
• Dialogue between characters
• Introduction to a new character
Just let me know what y'all wanna see in this story and I'll take your suggestions into consideration :D

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