30) Darkness

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Killua's POV - One month later

It's been a month since Alluka has been healed. She's doing well, and the rest of my family is livelier than ever. The island we reside on is teeming with laughter. It's as if the curse that haunted us for so long has been replaced with a newfound sense of freedom.

Normally, I would have left the island by now, chasing after my next adventure, but something is holding me back. Maybe it's the desire to be there for Alluka, to cherish every moment we have together without the weight of the world on our shoulders. After all, we've been through so much, and I want to make up for all the lost time.

As I walk along the shoreline, the gentle waves crashing against the shore, I can't help but feel a sense of calm wash over me. The ocean stretches out before me.

Though I'm still cooped up on this island, I've been planning a few overseas jobs. Small things, really. Bounties to track down people or even objects to locate for others. It's not the grand adventures I'm used to, but it keeps my skills sharp and the thrill of the chase alive within me.

But for now, I enjoy the simplicity of this moment. The sun casts a warm golden glow on my face, the gentle breeze tousling my white hair. The air is filled with the scent of salt.

I return to the house where Alluka waits, her smile brighter than ever. Her eyes light up as she sees me, and I can't help but match her enthusiasm. We spend our days exploring the island, discovering hidden coves and secret trails. It's as if the island itself is offering us a chance to heal, to grow, and to find ourselves once again.

At night, we gather around the bonfire, the flames dancing and crackling in the darkness. The sound of laughter and conversation fills the air, a symphony of warmth and belonging. My family, united and stronger than ever, shares stories of their own journeys, their triumphs, and their dreams for the future. And in that moment, I realize that maybe, just maybe, this pause in my life is exactly what I needed.

I make my way back to my room and  as I step through the door, a strange unease prickles at the back of my neck.

The air in the room feels charged, as if an invisible presence lingers in the shadows. I pause, my hand hovering over the doorknob, as I try to decipher the source of this unsettling feeling. The room appears untouched at first glance, the familiar furniture arranged just as I left it. Yet, there's something... off.

My eyes scan the room, searching for any signs of disturbance. A book lies askew on the bedside table, its pages slightly crinkled as if someone had thumbed through its contents. The curtains, once neatly drawn, now flutter gently in the breeze.

Curiosity mingled with caution, I step further into the room, my senses sharpening. Something is off , but I can't quite put my finger on it. Perhaps it's just my imagination playing tricks on me, weary from the day's activities. Nevertheless, I can't shake the feeling that I'm being watched.

Shaking off the lingering unease, I begin to undress, peeling away the layers of my  attire. The fabric rustles softly, the sound echoing in the stillness of the room. I fold each piece of clothing, placing them neatly on a nearby chair. The room gradually becomes lighter as the lantern's glow illuminates the space.

Finally, only in my undergarments, I crawl into bed, the soft sheets embracing my tired body. The mattress molds itself to my form, offering comfort. I lean over and reach for the lantern, my fingers encircling the cool metal.

With a gentle breath, I extinguish the flickering flame, plunging the room into darkness. The sudden absence of light is disorienting, and for a moment, I am enveloped in an inky void. Shadows dance and twist, creating eerie shapes on the walls. But my eyes adjust, adapting to the lack of illumination.

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