20) The 5 of us

683 44 31

Killua's p.o.v
I ended up carrying Gon to my bed in my cabin. I laid him there and sat next to him. He has a huge gash in his forehead that's still bleeding I quickly get up from the bed to get some things to treat the wound but Gon grab the edge of my shift before I can move father away. I look back down at him.

"Don't go.." His voice is quiet.

I slide a hand over his own and release his hand from by shirt. "I won't leave the room. I'm just getting some medical supplies for you head. It looks pretty bad."

He moves his head very slowly up and down. I take my hand off his and go to my desk. I shuffle through things trying to find my medical kit that I threw on here somewhere. I lift up some papers and it's sitting in the corner of the desk. I grab it and step back over to Gon. He looks so tired and worn out. I never should have left him here. I should have kept him by my side. This is all my fault...

I just don't understand why the rest of the crew is gone. Where did they go?

I open up the medical kit and take out some cloth and alcohol. I dab the cloth in the alcohol and gently place it on Gon's head. He winced from the sting but he doesn't really move very much. I wipe away just of the blood and out a bandage over it. "All better."


Our eyes connect once again. To me, eye contact is way more intimate then words could ever be. Or maybe that's just with him..


"I'm sorry.." His voice cracks as he talks.

I frown at his words. "Gon you have nothing to be sorry for. You did nothing wrong. I should be the one who's sorry. I should never have left you." I state.

He shakes his head. "No Killua. You told me that I can't depend on you or your crew and that's exactly what I did. I..if you wouldn't have come that man would have..."

I stop Gon from talking. "Don't talk about what if's. If it didn't happen then it wasn't bound to happen."

He lets out a soft sigh.

"So..if your ready to talk about it..I'd like to know what happened."

Gon nods. "When I first woke up from my nap I got up but something felt weird. There was no one on the ship and in your note you said the rest of the crew would be here. I was just confused. The man somehow got in your room and...he tried...he..." Gon can barley get his words out.

"Hey..it's ok. You don't have to talk about this if you don't want too."

He stops talking for a minute but picks back up. "There was something strange about the man. He kept talking like someone set him up to do this. He kept saying things like "he said you'd be different than this." It just doesn't make sense why someone would want that to happen.."

It takes me a minute to process what he just said. It has to be a crew member who else would know Gon this far out. He's miles away from his home island. I just don't know who would do it.

There's a knock at the door. Both Gon and I dart our eyes to the door. "Are y'all in there? We're back but why's everyone else gone?" It's Kurapika's voice.

I look back at Gon. "Give me a minute to explain to them what happened. I'll be right back."

Gon looks hesitant to letting me go but he eventually nods his head at me. I get up from the bed and walk out of my cabin, shutting the door behind me.

Oliver and Kurapika are standing outside the door. I look at each of them.

"Someone attacked Gon."

"What?! Is he ok?" Kurapika raises his voice.

"He's alright for now..where's Leorio?"

I see Leorio walking back from the front of the ship. "Does someone want to explain to me why there's a dead person over there."

Everyone's eyes dart to me. "I did what I had to."

"I thought you vowed to never use a gun again after-!" Oliver starts talking but I quickly cut him off by slamming my fist into a wooden beam.

"I did what I had to do." My voice sounds slower and deeper then normally. My brows are furrowed and I give Oliver the death stare.

Everyone stays quiet. I let out a kid sigh. "Sorry..it's just that...I think it was a crew member who put that man up to this."

"What? Why would..." Leorio starts.

"I don't know. What's also strange is that the rest of the crew is Gone. They are no where on the boat."

"Wait a minute. I'll be right back." Leorio turns around and starts walking back to the front of the very front of the ship. When he returns he's holding a bloody piece of paper.

"Found this in the dead guys hand." He hands it to me and I open up the note and start reading it out loud.

"There're all dead. Every single one of them. And your poor sweet Gon will be traumatized. I'm warning you now, if you don't stop this journey now, I'll kill the rest of your little friends. I'll make you watch as I...-" I stop reading the rest. I scrunch the paper up and throw it over board. I can't process the fact that whoever wrote this has killed my whole fucking crew...how did they even do it..

I clench my jaw shut and do everything I can to control my anger. I've traveled with those people. They were my friends. No..they were my family. I'll kill who ever did this. I'll make them pay. When I look back up I notice Kurapika staring at the ground. He's trying to keep from crying. Leorio is doing the same. And Oliver..he actually looks genuinely sad. That's a look I haven't seen in a long time.

"We're still going to that island. I don't care what that fucker says. I'm not going to give them what they want. It may just be the 5 of us..including Gon but I know we can do it."

"Shit..how the hell did they kill all of them. That seems almost impossible." Leorio adds.

"I wish I knew. I should probably go back to Gon now. I don't think he wants to be alone right now. And I need to tell him what happened." I try and keep the sadness from showing on my face.

I need to stay strong for them.

Question of the chapter

Do you think Killua will be able to complete the journey to Light Haven without his crew? Will he be forced to give up?

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