19) It's ok

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Killua's p.o.v
Stopping at this island was a good idea. I'm glad we did. I was able to find something that might help us when we reach Light Haven. Not really sure what it'll be for but it's something. It's a piece of paper with some random words written on it. It looks like it's supposed to be a sentence but some of the words are missing. It's got the words "Light Haven written on the front of it just like the book Gon had did. As of now all of us are heading back to the ship. Everyone seems to be in a good mood since this was a successful stop.

The ship is hidden in a cave that way it would be harder for anyone to find it. People like to steal. The memory of Gon stealing from me pops into my head and it makes me laugh.

Leorio looks over at me and smiles. "What're you laughing about?"

"Nothing.." I mumble. I quickly change the expression on my face.

"Oh Leorio..I actually have something to tell you."

Leorio walks closer to me so he can listen better. "Yea?"

"Earlier this morning Gon brought up Alluka. He wanted to know more about her. It just caught me by surprise. Most people don't really care..but he seemed like he did."

Leorio nods his head as I talk.

Kurapika butts in our conversation. "Did he by any chance ask you anything else?"

"Uh no? Well he was but I had to help with steering the ship so I didn't get to hear what he said. And when I went back in my cabin after he was sleeping."

"I see." Kurapika adds.

"Woah. Back it up. He fell asleep in your cabin?" Leorio says while raising an eye brow.

I slide a hand through my white locks and shake my head slightly. "He said he was tired..so I let him stay in my room. I didn't know he was actually gonna fall asleep. It's not like I really mind though..he's..."

"He's what." Oliver says.

I give Oliver a glare. "He's none of your business."

Oliver let's out a loud sigh.

Kurapika try's changing the subject before Oliver and I actually start fighting.

"Oooo Killua let's stop here and get some food!" Kurapika says while pointing at a small snack store of some sort. Everyone else seems to be in agreement but I want to get back to the ship. Maybe if I show Gon the paper he'll be able to help me figure out what it says. After all, he did have a very important part of finding the island in the first place.

"I'm gonna go on ahead. Just meet me back on the ship."

They nod and wave me goodbye. I continue walking back to the ship. It's a quiet walk. As I get further away from the town and closer to the cavern it gets darker.

I almost don't spot the ship as I'm walking due to how dark it is. All the lanterns are out? That's odd. I told the crew to only put out a few.

I get chills up my spine. And it's quiet. It's way to quiet. Something doesn't feel right. Just by the atmosphere something feels off. At first I don't make any movement towards the ship.

Maybe I should wait for everyone to get back. Maybe I'm just over reacting?

Those thoughts are pushed aside when I hear a muffled scream and whimpers coming from the ship. It's like my body reacted on its own. My legs started moving before I could even think. I ran as fast as my legs would let me and jumped into the water. I swam to the back of the ship and climbed up the latter that led to the main deck. As I'm pulling myself up and over the ledge, that's when I see him. I see Gon. He's laying on the floor kicking his legs. But what's worse is the man on top of him. He's tying something around gon's wrists and pinning him to the ground. It's dark but from what I can see they are both injured.

Anger starts to fill inside me. Right now it's the only emotion I feel. Well that and fear. Fear for what has happened to Gon. I ball my hands into fists and sprint at the man on top of Gon. I don't really care how loud I am as I'm running because no matter if the man hears me I'll still kill him. I'll kill that mother fucker for even laying a finger on Gon.

I grab the man and rip him off Gon. I throw him onto the wooden floor and slam his head into the ground him my foot. I hear him scream out at me. My eyes flicker over to Gon. The way he looks at me breaks my heart. His eyes are filled with fear and sadness. I just want to wipe those tears from his face and bring back his usual smile.

I motion with my hand for Gon to role over on his side and look the other way. I don't want him to see this. But I can't control myself any longer. Gon turns his body around. I can see his body still shaking.

I pull a small gun from behind me off my belt. I point it straight at his head.



It takes a lot of control to only pull the trigger once. I wanted to do it 100 more times but for Gon's sake I don't. He doesn't need to hear that. I don't look at the man again once I shoot him. I instantly drop the gun on the floor and rush over to Gon. I kneel down on the floor and lift him up. Our eyes meet again. Not a second later and he's got his arms wrapped around me and he's crying into my chest. I just hold him. "I'm here, it's ok.." I whisper those words to him. He just tightens his grip around me.

After shooting that guy...my hands are shaking. I take my hand and hover it above Gon's upper back. I hesitate at first but then gently place my hand down and move it up until in holding him by the back of the neck. I try and be as gentle as I can be.

He doesn't say a single word to me. Nor does he lift his head from my chest once..this moment makes me realize something. It made me realize how much I actually care for him. How much I don't want him to get hurt. And how much...how much I actually want him to be in my arms.

I'll never let anyone hurt him again.

I love y'all so I give 2 chapters today.


How do you think this unfortunate event will effect Killua and Gon's relationship?


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