8) Storm

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Gon's p.o.v
I leave the bunk room and close the door behind me. I look around the ship trying to find Leorio to let him know I'm going back to my house to grab some things. He's no where around. I grow tired of waiting and now my only option is to tell Killua. I know that he's in his cabin but I really don't wanna talk to him. I don't think it really matters if I tell them anyways..I don't think we're leaving any time soon so I should be fine. I walk over to where the ladder that leads down the ship. I step onto it and climb down. My feet hit the water and I quickly scurry off to my house. The wind is starting to pick up and gray clouds are forming above. I really hope it doesn't start storming. I thought the storm wasn't supposed to hit for another day.

I quicken my pace to a running speed. Little tiny wet spots start appearing all over the sand. Rain...

After a while of running I finally get to my house. The door is still wide open. I let out a sigh and walk inside. I grab a bag that was sitting in a corner and stuff anything that would be useful to me. The rain outside gets heavier. It's not too bad yet. I'd say a little over a sprinkle right now. But based on how the clouds look, I can tell it's gonna get a lot worse.

Once I finish stuffing my bag I leave my house and make sure to shut the door behind me. I stare at the shack for a moment longer and then turn away from it. I take a deep breath and then start running back to the ship. I don't really have to tell anyone I'm leaving because there's no one that cares. But I least I don't feel like I'm leaving anything behind.
Once I arrive back to the ship and climb up the latter everyone turns to look at me. Leorio rushes over to me. "Where were you!? We were supposed to leave an hour ago. The storms already getting bad."

"Ah...I'm sorry. I needed to get my things from my house.."

He sighs and rubs his forehead. "Let someone know next time. We can't have you running around without us knowing where you are. I know it sounds unfair but it's for your own safety. Expecially once we get out in the ocean. There will be many islands we will stop at and a lot of them are dangerous. We're both depending on each other remember?"

I start feeling guilty. He's right. "It won't happen again"

"And...Killua is pissed off again. You should apologize to him. You don't have to mean it but it'll put him in a better mood."

"No way. I'm not letting him feel the satisfaction of me apologizing."

Leorio shakes his head slightly. "I can't with you two. Just try and get along, ok?"

"Ok..." I mumble.

Everyone on the ship scatters and starts doing their own thing. Some people mess with the sails and ropes while others start pulling the anchor up. And at the very front of the ship there's Killua. He's standing where the wheel is ready to set off. He looks so focused...everyone does. It must be hard running a ship likes this..

Leorio yells at me from a distance. "Get inside the bunk room! We're about to set off and the seas right now are rough! It's safer!"

I nod at him and make my way to the bunk room. I'm the only one in here. I feel kinda useless since I'm the only one not helping out. I really wouldn't mind helping. I mean I don't really know what to do but I'm sure someone could teach me.

I feel the boat start to move. I quickly sit down on my bed and listen to the waves hit the sides of the ship. Thunder booms in the distance and the cracking of lighting makes me jump. The sound of rain hitting the wooden deck gets louder and louder as each second goes by. I hear people yelling things I don't understand. At one point the rain gets so loud that all I hear are muffled out voices. The ship rocks back and forth making things in the room slide round on the wooden floors. Some of the crew members burst open the door and throw themselves inside. They are all soaked. Water from outside starts to get inside the room. They quickly shut the door before more water gets inside. They are all breathing hard. "That's one hell of a storm." They start taking between themselves.

"I bet ya $10 Captain will say it was nothing."

"Ha! Deal!"

"Uh..is your captain used to these kinds of storms? Cause..it seems pretty bad out there.." They all turn to look at me when the last word leaves my mouth. They immediately start laughing.

"Mate he's been through 10 times worse then this. That's why he's one of the best captains out there. He can take on anything."

"Oh..I see."

They all turn away accept one of them. He keeps looking at me. I can't tell what's he thinking cause he kinda has a blank expression on his face. After a few seconds of starting he leaves his group and walks over to me. He stands next to my bed. "Your names Gon right?" He asks while looking down at me.

"Yep, that's me."

A smile forms on his face. "You can call me Oliver. I've been a part of this crew for a while now. If you need help with something just let me know."

My face lightens up. "Oh..thank you."

A load boom shakes the walls around us. More thunder roars in the background.

"Actually..I was wondering if maybe after the storm settles down someone could teach me how to help out on the ship. I just don't wanna sit around and feel useless. I like being out to work."

"For sure. I can help you with that." He slides a hand through his short, thick brown hair.

"Really!?" I say with a bit too much excitement.

He nods. "I don't see why not."

"Grea-" I'm interrupted by the door to the bunk room being slammed open by the wind. Oliver doesn't hesitate to run over and shut the door. He leans up against it to keep it from re opening. I lay on my back in my bed and stare at the bunk above mine.
The storm is starting the calm down. Things outside are Getting quieter.

Some of the guys who came inside when the storm was at its worst go back outside. Oliver follows them out. He gives me a quick wave before he shuts the door behind him. I guess Killua really is the only mean one on this ship. Everyone else I've met so far has been pretty nice..

The ship stops rocking back and forth. "Looks like the storm has passed" I mumble under my breath to myself.



A Sea Away [KilluGon]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя