25) Sleepover

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Killuas pov
I stare at him waiting for him to say something. For the first time in a while I noticed a hint of sadness in his usually bright brown eyes.

"what's wrong?" I ask Gon.

He lowers his gaze and stares blankly at the ground. When he doesn't answer right away I decide to press him.
"Gon?" I ask a little more insistently, hoping that he would be able to hear the concern in my voice.

Gon looks up and looks into Killua's eyes then back to the ground again. His shoulders begin to shake and I notice him sniffling a little. I quickly kneel down in front of him and grab both sides of his cheeks, forcing him to look up.
"Gon..you don't need to cry. What's wrong? Talk to me."

"Killua I'm just..confused. I...care about you a lot and I..." he stops talking again. Luckily he stopped crying real fast.

I sigh in relief and pull him closer until he hugs me.

"Hey hey it's okay. Just breathe, you don't have to explain." Killua says quietly in my ear.

"Gon. I care about you too and you mean a lot to me. But please don't push yourself away. I never want you to feel like your feelings aren't important."

Gon nods his head. "I'll tell you eventually Killua. I'm just not ready yet."

"Ok.." I separate myself from Gon and we both sit next to eachother in silence for a while just listening to the waves.

I wish I could hold his hand. I wish he could be mine..but I don't think he'd want to be in a relationship with me. Im not stupid. I know he's been flirting with me. I just don't know if he's doing it cause he's curious because I told him I was gay or if he doesn't even realize he's doing it.  It could be both...or none. I don't know and I don't want to ruin anything  between us either. I'll just have to wait for him..

"Killua?" A soft voice brings me out of my thoughts.

"Yes Gon?" I respond, turning my head to face him.

"We've been out here for a while now. I think we should head back to the ship. Everyone is probably waiting for us." Gon says.
I nod my head in agreement and stand up. I offer my hand to Gon to help him up and he accepts it. I let go of his hand when we reach the edge of the cliff and lead the way back to the main beach. Once we reach the main deck Gon immediately goes straight towards my cabin. Leorio watches this and then comes over to me.

"did something happen?" Leorio asks me.

"No..he just got overwhelmed by something. That's all."  I shrug it off.

Leorio furrows his eyebrows and crosses his arms. "Are you sure?" Leorio questions me suspiciously

"yes yes." I wave him off.

I hear Leorio sigh. "Ok then. Oh I have some news by the way." He says.

"Go on"

"We won't be needing to stop at another island. So instead of 4 more days, we should be at Light Haven in 2."

"Good. That's good."

After about an hour everyone is on the boat and we have set sail again. This time I'm the one who will be out most of the night guiding the ship instead of Kurapika. I have the book with the map in one hand and I have my other hand placed on the wheel.

After taking a second glance at the map I know where we need to go. I start to speed up and make sure the sail stays up high. Once I'm sure everything is clear I pull on the rope and start heading to Light Haven. Soon I'll be able to see Alluka awake again. And soon Gon will be reunited with his dad. And after that..well..who knows what the future holds.

Gon's pov
I lay in bed thinking about Killua's words. About the butterflies flapping around inside of my stomach. The boy that was so different to everyone else. I see him in a completely different way then most people. I just wish I could tell him that.

There's a knock at the door. "come in"

Kurapika opens the door and walks in the cabin closing the door behind him. He walks over to the bed and sits next to me.

"You ok?"

"Yea I'm fine. I almost told Killua how I felt about him but then I freaked out and didn't end up doing it."

"That just means you wernt ready to tell him yet. And there's nothing wrong with that. These kind of things take time Gon. Don't think too hard about it." He gives me a quick smile.

Kurapika's face lightens up. "Hey I have an idea! why don't you and me have a sleepover tonight. Leorio can just stay here with Killua and you can come to the bunk room with me!"

I blink twice and look up at him. Is he kidding? "Are..are you serious?" I giggle out.
Kurapika smiles brightly. "Of course! It wouldn't hurt to get to know eachother more. It'll be fun!"

I let out a laugh. "You know what that does sound fun. Let's do it."

Kurapika claps his hands together. "I have snacks and blankets in the bunk room already."

I nod and follow him out of Killuas cabin. Leorio and Killua turn to look at us leave the cabin.

"where are y'all going?" Killua asks.

"Gon and I are having a sleepover. Leorio your staying with Killua tonight."

They both exchange looks. "ok?" Leorio seems confused.

Killua and I make eye contact but I quickly look away.

He sighs. "Alright. Have fun." Killua turns around and walks back to his cabin. Leorio follows Killua.

Kurapika grabs my arms and pulls me to the bunk room. We make a palet on the floor with lots of pillows and blankets.

He starts pulling more pillows and blankets onto the floor while I grab the snacks and drinks from the shelf next to us.
"Do you want anything to drink? Water? Soda? Beer? Wine? Tea?" Kurapika asks, looking through all the options.

I let out a small laugh. "you have beer?"

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