29) Hard Choices

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Killuas POV - 5 days later
I firmly grasp the wheel of my ship, my fingers curling around the smooth wood. The boat glides through the gentle waves, guiding us steadily towards the shoreline. In the distance, I can already make out the faint outline of the land we've been searching for - just another twenty minutes and we'll be there.

Kurapika and Leorio stand beside me, their eyes scanning the deck one last time, ensuring that we have everything we need to heal Alluka. Their dedication is unwavering, and I can't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards them. They've been my pillars of strength throughout these challenging days. I've been trying my hardest not to let my weariness show.

The voyage back to my home island has been relatively smooth, but I confess, I'm growing a tad weary of the constant rocking of the ship. The anticipation of finally reaching our destination is becoming a bit much. I eagerly yearn for the moment when I can step foot on land, breathe in the familiar scents of home. It's been far too long since I last saw my families smiling faces, expecially after what happened to Alluka.

As soon as I step off the boat, my first mission is to find that old lady and hand over the items I've managed to gather. Alluka's been relying on me, counting on me to come through. If only I could've wrapped up this journey a little sooner.

But just as I'm lost in my thoughts, Oliver appears, leaning casually against a weathered wooden pillar. His eyes follow my every move as I steer the ship. "What now, Oliver?" I ask, my voice filled with annoyance.

He clicks his tongue and saunters towards me, his presence almost suffocating. "You know, after everything I've done for you, I think a little more gratitude is in order," he states, a hint of resentment lacing his words.

My fists involuntarily clench around the sturdy wooden wheel. "What more do you want me to say? Actually...you know what? Now that this journey is finally coming to an end, it's time for us to go our separate ways. It's been long enough since that...incident. I don't owe you anything more," I assert, my voice is firm.

I can sense the anger radiating off him, his face reddening with fury. "You owe me your damn life, Killua. You took something precious from me. You killed my sister, and you think that just because time has passed, it should all be forgotten? No way in hell," he retorts, his words stabbing at my core.

It's been a while since we've talked about this painful subject, and each time it resurfaces, I'm consumed by guilt, even though deep down, I know I made the right choice. But he'll never understand the decision I made that fateful night...

"Oliver, I've said it countless times, and I'll say it again - that situation we found ourselves in, it was downright awful. No one should ever be forced to make a choice like that. Greed consumed her entirely. It was her actions that led us into that mess, no doubt about it. And when it came down to it, it was either you or her. Can you imagine the weight on my shoulders? But Oliver, please believe me when I say this - I cared about you. We've been through it all, growing up side by side."

Oliver jerked his head to the side, his eyes filled with frustration. "I begged you, Killua! I pleaded with you to choose me. And when you had that gun in your hand, you held all the power."

I sighed, "That's exactly why I think it's time for us to part ways, Oliver. We're carrying too much emotional baggage with us. It's time for us to move on. I'll never stop regretting what happened, but I won't regret the choice I made. And I know, deep down, that you'll never forgive me for it either."

Our words hung heavy in the air, the weight of our shared past pulling us in opposite directions.

"letting go is the only way to find a brighter future." I say.

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