23) Revealed

504 41 13

Gon's p.o.v
"I don't wanna steal your bed from you."

Killua looks up at me. "I really don't mind."

I fidget around with my hands for a second. "Well....I..uh...wouldn't mind sharing the bed." I advert my eyes away from him yet somehow I can tell he's smiling.

"Ok then." Killua quickly puts all the pillows and blankets that were on the floor for the pallet back on the bed.

"If you snore I'm kicking you out." Killua says while holding in a laugh.

"I don't!"

Killua walks over to a dresser in his room and opens it up. He pulls out a white shirt and a pair of shorts for himself. I go over to the bed and sit on the edge. I'm already changed.

Killua is facing away from me to where I can only see his back. He takes off the shirt he's wearing and throws it to the side. I watch as his back muscles move. He then throws on the white shirt and the new shorts. Once he's done he turns and looks at me.

I quickly look away. I hear the wood beneath him creek as he steps over to the bed. He hops on and rolls over until he's laying in the side of the bed closest to the wall.

"I'm exhausted.." Killua mutters.

I let out a sigh. "It's crazy how much has happened in just a short amount of time...and we still have 3 more days left until we reach the island." I reply.

Killua nods. "I really need to get back to my island with those items for that old lady. I've spent so much time looking for this island. It wasn't until you snuck onto my ship that I had a solid idea of how to get to Light Haven. So thanks for that" He says with a wink.

I turn my head to the other side so he can't see my blush. "Your welcome.."

I hear Gon let out a loud yawn. He pulls the blankets over his body and closes his eyes. "Goodnight Gon."

"Goodnight Killua." After I said goodnight I didn't end up falling asleep. I just watched Killua. I watched as his chest moved up and down each time he sucked in a breath. I watched as his nose twitched every time he dreamt of something. It was like watching a angel sleep. My eyes grew tired and I eventually drifted to sleep.
Next Morning
When I woke up the next morning Killua wasn't in the bed. A little bit of light shown though the crack in the door so I could see a little bit. I sat up in the bed and stretched out my arms. I slide my feet off the bed and stood on the hard wooden floors. I was about to leave when I saw Killuas necklace on his desk. The one with the green gem that was Allukas. I go over and stare at it for a moment. I reach out and grab it carefully in my hand. The gem is clean and smooth. It really is beautiful. As I'm examining the gem something on Killuas desk, something catches my eye. It's a piece of paper with some familiar words on it. I set the gem down and pick up the paper. I read the words that are there and try to fill in the rest in my head.

Then it hits me. I know what the sentence says. But...that's impossible. It's...it's something my dad used to say to me all the time. I just don't understand how it's written on this paper. He was the only one who would say this. I read the words out loud. "A world without magic is a world without life." I flip the paper over and read "Light Haven" on the back. A burst of hope flows through me. Maybe my dad left this for me. Maybe he wanted me to find this paper as a hint that he was still on the island. I grip the paper harder and run out of Killuas cabin and immediately start looking for Killua. I spot him at the front of the ship by the wheel. I run over to him almost tripping on the way up to him. I wave the paper in his face. "Killua! Where did you get this paper? I think-I think my dad left it for me as a clue that he's still on the island! This is great! This is just-"

"Woah woah woah. Slow down. What are you talking about?" Killuas eyes dart over to the paper in my hand.

"We're you going through my stuff?" He says while raising an eyebrow.

"Uh..no I just...well yea."

Killua let's our a chuckle. "It's fine. I don't mind. Now would you explain to me what's going on."

I nod. "This paper. I know what the full sentence is supposed to be."

"What is it." Killua asks.

"A world without magic is a world without life. It's something that my dad used to say to me all the time. That's why I'm sure he's on the island now. He left this paper as a clue."

"Oh." For some reason it almost sounds like killua is disappointed.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"Ah no..it's nothing." Killua takes the paper out of my hand slowly, folds it up, and puts it in his pocket.

"Your a really bad liar Killua."

He sighs. "This is going to sound really selfish. It's just that I was really hoping that it would have something to do with the items I need for Alluka." Killua doesn't look at me. Instead he focuses on steering the ship.

That's right. Sometimes I forget me and killua are searching for different things. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything to him..

"Ah..I'm sorry Killua...m..maybe we'll find something else that will help you with the items."

"Killua nods. "Maybe."

There's a silence between us. My mind has hundreds of thoughts going through it right now but there one thought that I just can't seem to get rid of. It's what's going to happen after I find my dad and after killua gets the items he needs...
Once again I'm sorry for not posting for a while. Updates will most likely be monthly now. I've been having a hard time with writers block 😭

BUT ANYWAYS, I hope y'all have been enjoying this sorry so far. Big progress with Killua and Gon's relationship will happen soon hehe.

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