6) Compromise

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Gon's p.o.v
The guy with glasses who came into the room earlier said his name was Leorio. He was a lot nicer then that other guy. He explained to me what the book meant. He said that it was a map to get to an island that he and the rest of the ships crew have been looking for. He didn't say why. But after learning that, I've come to the conclusion that my father must be on that island too. He must have left this book with me so that I could one day travel the ocean to find it just like him. Although, I am a little upset that he didn't come back for me like he said. I don't understand why..it would save me a lot of time trying to look for him. But I should be thankful still. I finally know where he's been all this time. All the rumors the islanders have been saying aren't true. I just know it.

The only other weird thing about the book is that I am the only one who can see the coordinates. Leorio said no one else was able to see them. They didn't even know the coordinates were there until I said something about them. Maybe I should have kept that to myself...cause I really do need to get my book back and get off this ship so I can try and find my dad. I'll be completing the same journey that he did. I'll finally be able to see him again.

My thoughts are interrupted when Leorio comes back into the room. He steps down the stairs and makes his way over to me. "Here's the deal. Captain says if you give write down the coordinates for us then we'll let you go."

A million thoughts go through my head at once. Wait a minute. That's it. These people wanna find the island just like me. They would honestly have a better time finding it then I would. They have a huge ship and all the equipment needed to sail across the ocean. I could just....

"I have a new compromise." I say while tapping my foot on the ground.

Leorio nods his head and listens.

"I wanna come with you guys."

Leorios mouth drops open slightly. He's taken aback by my comment. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I'll only cooperate with you guys if you take me with you to the island."

"I uh...let me go get Killua.." before I can say another word Leorio is hurrying back up the stairs.

Killua...so that's his name. His name replays over and over again in my head.

I'm startled by the sudden slam of a door. Killua comes marching down into this storage room. He doesn't look very happy. And I honestly am getting annoyed of seeing his face. Why is he always mad..

"Give us the coordinates and get the fuck off my ship." He grabs the cell bars and stares at me.

I smirk at him. He's losing right now. I'm winning. Without me he can't go anywhere. "Well, looks like you won't be traveling to that island any time soon." I chirp.

I can see the veins sticking out of his neck. Now that I really think about it he's got a pretty-

"Why the hell do you want to come with us? I thought you wanted off this ship" His eyes never leave mine.

"My father gave me the book. I think he might be on the island your trying to find. So I want you to take me there. It's honestly a win win situation. We both get what we want."

"I want you off my ship."

"If that's what you really want then kiss those coordinates goodbye."

He shakes his eyes off me and lets out a deep sigh. He doesn't say anything though. I was sorta expecting a snarky comment.

I squint my eyes a little as I look at him. "Why do you even want to find this island so bad?"

"It's none of your concern." He snaps.

"Gees ok ok."

Killua goes back to being silent again. He must be thinking about my proposal. If I was him, I'd take it right away. It's honestly a great deal. And it's not like I really want have to be stuck on this ship with him either. But I'll do it if it means I get to see my dad again.

Killua looks back at me. "Fine. You can come with us. But I'm just telling you now. It's not gonna be an easy journey. It takes years for sailors to learn to be safe while traveling the ocean. There's a very high chance you'll die. But that's not my problem anyways. Just be prepared to encounter lots of dangerous situations. And don't depend on me or any of my crew mates to save you. Your on your own." He gets up and starts walking away.

"Hey wait! Aren't you gonna let me out..?"

Killua turns back to look at me. He reaches in his pocket and grabs the keys to the cell. He throws them through the cell bars right to me. I catch them. When I look back up at him he's already gone.

Killua's p.o.v
This isn't what I wanted at all. I wasn't supposed to give into him..but I did. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. Leorio sneaks up behind me but I turn around before he try's to scare me. "Aww man. I never get you!"

"That's cause you suck at being stealthy."

He roles his eyes. "Blah blah blah. Anyways what did the boy say."

"We'll I uh...sorta made a deal with him."

Leorio seems surprised by this. "Oh really?"

I nod. "He's going to come with us to the island. It was the only way I could get him to agree to giving us the coordinates."

"Why's he wanna come tho? I thought he wanted off the ship?"

"I dunno..something about his father."

"Oh." Leorios faical expressions quickly change. He's now looking at me with a smug smile. "Are you sure that the coordinates were the only reason you let him stay? I think he might be your type. Stubborn. Well that's kinda it. Not really sure why your into stubborn boys but-"

I cut him off before he says another word. My face is brighter then a can of red paint.
"Would you shut up! I literally already hate his guts and I've known him for a day!"

"Oh so this is gonna turn into enemy's to love-"

I punch him in the shoulder harder then I normally do.

"Ow..." that shuts him up real quick.

I'm low key surprised that I've been updating this everyday-

Like I would update my other stories like once or twice a week. This is good tho cause I'm enjoying writing this :D

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